[@floodtalon] Victoire to Henry: "It's even like I can go where you live, now, Avaritia. It didn't need to be like this, but you forced my hand..." Actually, I may as well use this on my next post, since this has become a dramatic fight. The fight is more even than most people may think, though, since Victoire is running low on blood after such an intensive combat. Her plan to recover her reserves for the coup d'grace (people dying to her roses and feeding her with blood) is still not in proper position. Both she and Henry are kinda weak, so the fight likely won't take too long. Victoire's main advantage is having back up from Maen. One way or another, this is likely decide the end of this battle. By the way, my reply may be delayed. I don't know if I'll have time to reply during this week, I may as well only post on Saturday, unless Victoire or Farris gets suddenly pounced.