[hr][hr][center][h1][color=00ff00]Jack Hudson[/color][/h1][img]http://68.media.tumblr.com/fc919d328046efa51637b4919940e914/tumblr_inline_nuo4kow2ON1qlt39u_250.gif[/img][/center][hr][center][b][color=00ff00]Location[/color][/b]: Outside Building One (Medical)[/center][hr][hr] Jack didn't notice the way Brian kept glancing over his shoulder, too consumed with the fact that he had seen Dick. Hell, he didn't notice if anyone else around him seemed to be a little bit off as well. He felt and looked pale as he nodded at Ash, walking off from the group as he pulled out his radio. [color=00ff00]"Tatiana? It's Jack. Where are you?"[/color] Jack asked, his voice shaken. He didn't want to radio over Ash's request, figuring that it deserved a little privacy. He could tell Tatiana about it face to face--right before informing her that her husband had begun a spiraling descent into insanity. There really would be no good way to break that news. Oh, and the fact that Miss Sally had died. Part of him didn't want to tell Tatiana any of this, worrying that the stress would be bad for their baby. But Tatiana was Russian--she could handle it. And she had to know that these sort of things were happening. Jack didn't want to wake up one day and find that he had gone berserk. He certainly didn't want to hear Dick's voice in his head for the rest of his life either. He'd almost rather face a horde of one hundred walkers without any weapons. It didn't even occur to him that Ash might've been going insane as well. His request for an appointment was rationalized by the Boston native as simply needing to express his grief over the recent deaths--not because of hearing voices. [hr][hr][center][h1][color=#23D5B7]Beatrice Decker[/color][/h1][img]http://68.media.tumblr.com/e5d5fcaf9fbbd5644bd6848807e79e4c/tumblr_mus6alGv8a1rhs5nco4_r1_250.gif[/img][hr][color=#23D5B7][b]Location[/b][/color]: Near 545 Corinth Rd, Newnan: In the woods. (Not far from the Coweta County Water Authority)[/center][hr][hr] Beatrice raised an eyebrow at James' explanation, since it was lacking in sanity. She didn't know who 'El Jefe' was, but he seemed to either be an urban legend or someone James respected greatly. It was a toss up between the two, really. Of course, considering the fact that she had seen Bryn try to kill Ryan, she couldn't help but wonder if there had been something in the water back at Newnan. Was that why Ryan had gone off by himself--had he seen something? Gavin was so happy go lucky that Beatrice wouldn't have been surprised if he didn't even notice he was going insane. Or maybe insanity was normal for him. That was the more likely explanation. [color=#23D5B7]"So you've gone completely insane. That's fun,"[/color] Beatrice commented with a shrug. [color=#23D5B7]"If you decide to kill us all, I'd like to go last. It's always been a dream of mine to outlive Ryan."[/color] She figured the chance of James going completely homicidal was slim, but she also wouldn't have predicted he would kill Dick. There was a good possibility that James would end up butchering them all. Or at least, most of them. Maybe there'd be an anti-psychotic among the supplies that they could give James. Or maybe they'd just need to keep him incredibly stoned all of the time. That in itself could be amusing. [hr][hr][center][h1][color=ff6600]Chloe[/color] & [color=00ccff]Ravi[/color][/h1][img]https://s26.postimg.org/h9j0x6jah/cravi.gif[/img][/center][hr][center][b]Location[/b]: Building One (Medical)[/center][hr][hr] Chloe had managed to sort most of the texts into topical areas, having stacked the books for the moment. Her mind was free of voices and distractions, though it wouldn't have been the first time something weird like that had happened in her head. She had been given horrible acid once while in solitary, but it was the best you could get the guards to bring you. And while she liked to think that she was beyond her druggie days, she felt a bit of a craving at the moment. Pinching the skin on her arm lightly as if a reminder, she kept on with her work. Drugs weren't going to fix her problems this time. Ravi nodded, sensing that Froggy was relieved he wouldn't have to embalm Miss Sally. [color=00ccff]"If you have an inventory of chemicals on hand, I can see if we have the proper supplies,"[/color] Ravi offered, though he figured that a run would be a better option. Provided that the embalming chemicals had been stored properly, they'd be the best thing to use on Miss Sally. A 'home remedy' wouldn't always give the best results, especially since he hadn't had to synthesize anything really since organic chemistry in college. And that was longer ago than he'd care to admit. Panic enveloped him for a moment as he saw Gavin in front of him. His first thought was that Gavin had somehow decided not to go to fight Peachtree City singlehandedly after all and that he had returned to Newnan. But Froggy would've had some sort of reaction if he saw the cowboy. Instead, Ravi just looked sadly at the illusion. [i][color=00ccff]I thought it would be Liv.[/color][/i]