They were sharing a moment and it made Caleb blush slightly as he listened intently to Ambrose answer his question. He didn't know he had the nerve to ask such a question to Ambrose. Ambrose was different. Whenever he was around him he found it hard to be as confident as he always was. It was a good thing, Ambrose was a mystery to him and it intrigued him. As he listened, his straight face turned into a soft smile. He wasn't expecting the answer he got. He had been playing with what looked to be energy in the palm of his hand. He manipulated it causing it to stretch and twist into various shapes and images. He felt Ambrose's position change. He was closer, his scent was stronger and Caleb closed his eyes briefly if only to inhale gently. As he opened his mouth to speak, he could feel a sudden tensing of the atmosphere and Ambrose's next words didn't help the hairs that were standing up on his arms. Then it came into view. The creature that had broken Ambrose's barrier. It looked at them with a toothy grin and Caleb slowly stood up with a sly smirk on his face. "So you'll help us for a trade huh?" Caleb questioned as he dusted off his hands on his pants. "Tell me, what is it that something like you would want from us?" Caleb didn't seem to be scared, in fact, he seemed extremely calm and yet his mind was working on several solutions to their current problem.