Heh, glad to hear. ^.^ If that's how you want to start it, yep! In all likelihood, he would find her resting. And on an animal path. And that's cool you get to delve into new territory. It's always exciting, but a bit nerve-wracking! The whole scientist part a bit new to me. I don't usually deal with any kind of science side, even if mixed with magic! For the POV, it's up to you! Since Byrce blacks out for them, then yeah, personally, I would use either a sort of camera-type view, where you follow him and describe his actions, but don't touch on his inner emotions/monologue, OR do emotions from the perspective of the beast. Heck, depending on how you have Byrce effected, you could make it kind of like a Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde type deal, where the pulses mess up his mind, shoves who he really is aside, and brings another sort of dark, feral personality out... Which would be interesting if it were to roll over into his human form. If he ever takes it. Just random thoughts.