[@RyuShura] The biology and nature of hybrids was a largely unknown and unexplored area of academia due to the large stigma against races intermixing that was prevalent in all the kingdoms, some more than others. Crux Redentor held the largest percentage of humans in all the kingdoms and had a history of poor relations with the other races in the kingdom before the current crisis. The citizens living in the cities and especially the capital had to adhere to a general guide of attire to achieve a 'sense of unity'. Saiyuri had garnered quite an amount of attention herself however it was not quite the same Minev suffered under. Amali had the natural benefit of physically determining how much of their beast-side showed anywhere from appearing completely human to looking exactly like their beast counterpart. Saiyuri currently only showed off her ears and the tail that currently gently swayed back and forth behind her legs so she appeared mostly human. With eyes like vibrant rubies she stared into the crowd wearing a gorgeous silk red dress that she had mentioned earlier she was changing out of as soon as she got the chance. Every step she had made towards the stage before the speech had an elegance and beauty all its own, every movement confident and filled with pride. One look from her would make most men fall should she wish it, a visage of everything a woman might dream of having in one, dominant form. Even with her confidence, she seemed to be tense and far from relaxed as if simply being here put the amali on edge. Massik with the support of the Sentinels had ferociously cracked down on any kind of magical practice involving the dead, whether benign or malicious. The rumors of the 'methods' used against those suspected of performing the dark arts was severe and quite gruesome yet the people were entirely convinced it was all for their safety. Before the war Mages could make pacts with benevolent spirits freely but now even that practice was entirely outlawed. The only reason Minev was alive was simply to be used a tool but the foolish king had no idea what the Architects were and the power they possessed. King Massik stared at Minev with a scowl on his face, clearly not buying her pleasantries entirely meanwhile Saiyuri had seemed to mirror similar sentiments to Minev's. He hardly had a chance to object on his way out, stopping as he watched Minev approach the stage. The crowd appeared uncertain at her strange appearance and their judgement already forming before she even spoke. A brief eruption of applause sounded below at her chosen words and even a bit of cheering from the more fervent of the citizens however Massik was far from amused. In fact her rebuttal had already began to work on his nerves. Heavily he gritted his teeth before responding "That is just the life of one in service to a force greater than themselves. One day we shall honor your sacrifice as well." The public space prevented him from making a more direct threat but his conveyance was clear and he finally left. Saiyuri was smiling at Minev as she returned from her brief speech, the approval of what she had done shone brightly in her fiery eyes. The fox amali had been given much more freedom to explore any areas she wished yet getting any chance to properly meet her fellow champion was hindered. The wary glares given to the paladins Saiyuri frequently gave them was enough to mean she did not trust them. A bit of brightness filled her features as Minev spoke to her seeming to follow along perfectly "[color=fdc68a]You really have to pity such a creature burdened as he[/color]." She replied matching Minev with a smug smirk revealing sharp fangs among pearly teeth. She lowered her head a bit as Minev took her hands "[color=fdc68a]I would be happy to explore the festival with you[/color]." the cheer and excitement on her face was easily displayed to enforce the swap as she took the parchment and slid it between her chest out of sight winking once quickly as she whispered faintly "[color=fdc68a]We will have our chance[/color]." before she slowly turned around after Minev made her plea "[color=fff79a]The king had more important duties than to listen to your pathetic little request. We have orders not to leave you alone until the day is over[/color]." The head paladin's words were coarse as was his voice but Saiyuri had already begun to make steps towards in a almost alluring manner "[color=fdc68a]You should not treat your kingdom's chosen with such poor behavior. It is not befitting honorable paladins such as yourselves. What would the king think when he hears the rumors that he poorly mistreats the paragons of his kingdom?"[/color] her voice was softly sweet using the charm that had been gifted upon her "[color=fff79a]There are no such rumors about his majesty!"[/color] the paladin fiercely proclaimed and by the time he did, Saiyuri was already inches from him and her fiercer side showed off in full force "[color=fdc68a]Not yet at least. If you wish to prevent such terrible claims from being spread, at least allow my fellow chosen to accompany me through the city. It is not as though she is hard to find."[/color] The evidence of her silver-tongue became clearer with every word spoken. The paladin grunted angrily, flustered at the impasse seeming to know that at the distance the fox amali had placed herself she would have an advantage if it got violent "[color=fff79a]Fine, the little heretic can be your responsibility. I am sick of looking at it anyway and I'm sure it's aware what will happen if it does anything[/color]." Minev could see the hair spike along her tail before lowering as he spoke "[color=fdc68a]Perfect. Why don't you run off now like a good little choir boy[/color]?" she taunted them as they left with a wide smile as she said this before turning back to Minev "[color=fdc68a]Well with that settled, shall we[/color]?" she gestured to the streets filled with decorations and food. [@Asher890] Prince Illuminos face had the defining crystal blue eyes the royalty were known for as was his platinum blond, short hair. The regal-looking man seemed to smile at her more casual tone "[color=fff79a]My father has insisted that I take over his duties in this year's Ascension Day, so a great deal sadly[/color]." he said it with more cheer than one would expect, even laughing a little "[color=fff79a]I have the responsibility of conducting all of the ceremonies today and of course I have the greatest pleasure of entertaining Anserith's noble families [/color]." The sarcasm in that last statement couldn't be any clearer "[color=fff79a]In between all the political nonsense, I suppose I will be trying to enjoy the day just the same as everyone[/color]." There was a pleasant honesty in his voice and he certainly didn't seem to look at her the same way the other nobles did. Feron's family had been on the poorer of the spectrum but had managed to afford him a nice white suit for the day, the back of the suit lacked the slits for wings that other suits would have today. He seemed to be largely uncomfortable with grandness of it all but having Elodie nearby seemed to at least calm him down a tad. His family and many like it were responsible for mining the natural resources below the floating isles and growing anything that couldn't survive up there. The hard lifestyle made have been what was responsible for Feron's 'down to earth' mentality and his care-free nature. Feron had wandered off only a little to gaze upon some of the sights around him, looking like many tourists that come to the city. His dark emerald eyes seemed to soak in everything around him. The festivities had kicked off around them with laughter, music, and sweet aromas filling the air fast enclosing around them. People were dancing in the square in a semi-coordinated fashion with the occasional deep wail of the Walahs breaking up the merriment. Children were playing various games in the streets around them, gliding and fluttering with their still-developing wings while over-head the adults flew overhead. [@DangDude] Selti's skin was much more smooth the the rough, rigid skin that signified a draconian male as well as her more slender build. Its color was a warm golden brown which was one of the more fairer colors within the draconian spectrum. Dark brown horns jutted out from just above her fore head curving backwards and up towards the tip. An almost five foot tail followed the tall mage everywhere she went, occasionally knocking things over whenever she would turn quickly. She wore an deep purple dress with gold spiral design threaded in the fabric and a darker purple shawl that laid over her shoulders and upper arms, attached in front by a sturdy gold chain. Her arms were bare except for metal painted the same purple as her shawl. Her ankles featured something similar to her gauntlets around them, it was common knowledge that Draconians did not wear shoes since their scales were hard enough especially around their feet. Edward was the second oldest of a prominent noble family in Illyria that has served the kingdom for generations as knights so his attire showed off that heritage. A black dress shirt was placed underneath a silver lined metal chest-plate, one that is meant to protect vital areas while giving the most mobility. He also wore gauntlets that matched the design of the chest-plate, both edged with gold. His trousers were more of a navy blue color that was a thicker material. His knightly looked was completed by the navy blue cape trimmed with a golden border that slid over his left shoulder hiding his arm and the blade underneath and was clipped together with his family's heraldry on a golden pin. His charcoal black hair was neatly parted to the side. A brief smile appeared on Selti's face as her question seemed to bring Connor fully back to reality, unknowing of the cause of such a dissonance in his awareness. Connor smugly smirked shortly after his brown eyes widened in delight "[color=f7976a]While I appreciate that you agree with me Connor but I'm not sure that the Architects really go to the tournaments. I always thought it was just something the elders say to make you fight your hardest. Still, I would love to show them my prowess regardless[/color]!" No one had seen any sign of a Architect ever coming to the kingdoms except for that one a few years ago. If they were as strong as the legends made them out to be, they wouldn't have trouble slipping into the capitals during the biggest celebration of the year. Selti nodded affirmatively at Connor's next statement "[color=a187be]I can hardly imagine the kind of knowledge they possess[/color]." she spoke wishfully interjecting quickly. Immediately Edward offered a challenging grin with a raised fist "[color=f7976a]All I know is I will be tasting sweet, sweet victory when I drop you on your ass![/color]." he strongly asserted which prompted Selti to nervously intercede "[color=a187be]W-well shall we go together and find a place? I bet we can just follow the smells from here."[/color] Bakeries as well as smaller stands had delicious pastries and treats on display for the festival. The few candy-makers in the kingdom were also all gathered in their own stands selling chocolate and treats.