Everything seemed perfect until that day. For the past several centuries, the land of Maehre has been under the constant and consistent rule of a single family: The Dragomirs. The Dragomirs, overall, have been wise and compassionate leaders, always dutiful to their kingdom and generally fair to their people. The realm has mostly been a peaceful one, with little change from year to year, and in the simple continuation of the tradition a new monarch would be elected into the position of king or queen after a few decades, once the previous ruler had reached an age at which he or she could no longer make wise decisions for his or herself, or for the people. Or, of course, if the ruler was killed in battle or became otherwise incapacitated. During the current era, the seventh generation of Dragomir's has made firm progress within the kingdom and beyond, with the king and queen remaining attentive to issues both inside the kingdom walls and beyond the land of Maehre. The king, Julian, had primarily been focusing on domestic issues, such as lines of home defense, the protection and growth of crops and keeping supply of water, providing shelter for the less fortunate, and more, while his wife, Queen Esmeralda, had been making great efforts to mend previously broken bonds with those outside of Maehre. All had seemed to be going well... But alas, it appears as though some of the seemingly loyal followers of the monarchs were indeed unsatisfied. During the night of the return of Queen Esmeralda to her castle-home, The Jade Palace, some unknown traitor managed to sneak into the castle walls, slaying both Esmeralda and Julian in their sleep. This was discovered the next morning when the couples' eldest daughter Kiara, only fourteen, attempted to enter their bed-chamber alongside her mother's head handmaiden. There, before her eyes, was the truth revealed. In horror, the maid shrieked and attempted to shield Kiara's eyes from the scene, but it was too late. She had seen the blood, dried now, that had spilled from their cold corpses. Kiara began to scream for help, and many members of her parents' cabinet rushed forward, appalled. Kiara was escorted to another room while the bodies were brought to the infirmary to be examined, and funeral arrangements were made... The summer days of happiness and loyalty have since quickly turned into a cold, hostile autumn, where no one can be trusted. The word around the kingdom is that the act was obviously committed by some sort of rogue, anarchist spy, but not everyone is convinced. After all, how likely could it be that someone would be able to infiltrate the castle, avoid killing all but a single guard (later found hidden inside of the royal couples' wardrobe), and then disappear again without a trace, many wonder. Among those many are the late couples' children, who refuse to accept uncertainty for an answer. With Kiara the eldest surviving member of the current monarchy, and her younger siblings by her side, all citizens and the guard seem to have an opinion on who should now rule Maehre. At this point, only a few months after the murder of the monarchs, everything is still in chaos. Kiara stands as the current ruler, and her decisions are, for the most part, being made at her own discretion, as well as via council with her family's royal guard and her own handmaidens. A distant uncle currently seeks to travel to Maehre in an attempt to seize control of the situation, which many citizens seem to be in favor of. Others still are questioning the stability of the monarchy, and suggesting the kingdom's new rulers be chosen by popular vote. It seems that a very few have faith in Kiara's ability to lead, due to her age and sex-status. Only time will tell what will come of the kingdom of Maehre: however, not every issue in or outside of the realm can wait.