Username: Ningal700 (NPC - Deceased) Name: Julian Dragomir Age: 45 Race: Human Affiliation: Dragomir throne Status/Occupation: Late King of Maehre Sex/Gender: Male, man Sexuality(if desired): Straight Appearance: As far as humans go, he was of average height, although shorter than his wife. He had light brown hair and even lighter blue eyes, with fairly tan skin. He was typically seen wearing regal robes or armor. Personality: Julian was a tough man of few but pleasant words, and always tried to be positive and kind to everyone, especially those in need. He ruled with a firm hand, except when it came to his wife, who he would always counsel with when it came to making important decisions with a listening ear. The general consensus was that he was a good and fair leader, albeit not necessarily the brightest. Brief background/history: Julian became king through marriage to Esmeralda, despite what many would believe. His parents were simple peasants, but Esme fell for him nonetheless during a visit outside of the kingdom walls. Not everyone approved of his marriage to Esme, both because of the fact that she was the one with royal blood, and because he was a human and she an elf. Other(misc): Father of Kiara, Nicholai, and Desdemona Username: Ningal700 (NPC-deceased) Name: Esmeralda Dragomir Age: 37 Race: Elf Affiliation: Dragomir throne Status/Occupation: Late Queen of Maehre Sex/Gender: Female, she-elf Sexuality(if desired): Fluid Appearance: Esme was tall, even for elves, around 6'2", with bright white skin that seemed almost translucent and raven hair. Her eyes were a deep emerald green, and she had naturally darker, red lips and noticeably pointed ears. Her canines seemed particularly sharp and her teeth were a perfect pearly white as well. She almost never wore anything other than extravagant dresses around the palace, and would dawn more conservative robes when she left for her foreign duties. Personality: Esme was fierce and stubborn, and loyal to her family and her kingdom above all else. She would often not take no for an answer, although she always fought for what she found to be in the best interest of her people. She was a good, although at times absent, parent, and always showed compassion to those who were in less fortunate positions, albeit remaining logical about situations to the best of her ability. Brief background/history: Esmeralda was the second oldest child of the previous Dragomir king and queen, but became the new monarch by default when her older brother ran away, refusing to take part in any of the elements of ruling the kingdom. Her parents were somewhat reluctant about handing the throne over to their daughter, but preferred this to having a distant cousin or some sort of elected candidate run their kingdom. Esme's father died around the age of 65, considerably young, for being an elf, and her mother became a sort of recluse, who is rumored to still live within the castle walls, too depressed to come out of her room most of the time. Esme had been ruling over Maehre ever since. Other(misc): Mother of Kiara, Nicholai, and Desdemona