Joined again, but for the life of me I cannot remember what my old username was. Well, it was months ago. Plus, I haven't really interacted with people that much. Didn't join rp's either. Doesn't matter. I'm back at it and I hope I'll be able to have more fun this time! I'm rusty (when am I ever not rusty?) so be gentle if you can. I like fantasy rp's and I lean more to the dark side. Please do take note that I will respect your rules in your rp and any opinions you may have, but please try not to bring up politics and any other issues unrelated to the rp. Just a heads up because work is stressful and I'm here to have fun. If they do happen to be brought up but is relevant to the plot, then I'll treat it as such: part of the plot. In no way does it echo my thoughts. So, long-ass rambling. Hi again! :D