[center][h3][color=8f676f]Atarah[/color][/h3] [img]https://i.imgur.com/4WzhS6f.png[/img][/center] [color=dedbb6]"Mmmm?"[/color] As Utada's presence started showing up on Atarah's pulse, she turned to see Utada raise her weapon.. AT HER PREY! THAT COULD NOT STAND! Atarah with a burst of speed slipped past Eve, perhaps her lack of killing intent putting Eve off guard, and caught the bullets. With her body. The rounds pinged off her magnetic field and insanely tough skin, even the parts of herself that should be weak and vulnerable, like joints. [color=dedbb6]"My prey! I'm gonna prove myself! Get your own!"[/color] Atarah angrily squawked at Utada, momentarily closing her eyes to avoid the flashbang. It seemed her eyelids when closed where just as resilient to light as the rest of her body was to bullets. Careful examination could reveal that light didn't seem to filter through her skin like it did for most creatures. [@Banana][@Lmpkio][@BCTheEntity][@floodtalon] [center][h3][color=ff80ff]Sapphire Pink[/color][/h3] [hider=Fluffy Woof][img]https://i.imgur.com/E7u5cV2.jpg[/img][/hider] [/center] [color=ff80ff]"Oh, bees? Bees and snowmen? This looks like fun. Let's have lots of fun everybody! I'll start the party."[/color] Pink seemed entirely happy with this turn of events of being attacked by lots of demons. Sending up her gathered energy into a sort of, hovering disco ball, spotlights started shooting out of it. Pink's demon sensing allowed her to know where her targets were efficiently, but she also aimed at all her allies as well, creating shields of the spotlight over each of them. While in the underground catacombs, one might think the range of a laser would be limited (unless you started punching through walls), but Pink's lasers were almost entirely intangible and simply went through the walls without interacting. Which was both her advantage and disadvantage against Machina or other purely physical things, that her attacks went right through them.. And that her attacks went right through them. Such a diffuse area attack wasn't very focused. The frost goblins and mages might take some damage, but the heavier units like warriors and and the hulking ones would barely even notice. The unarmored bees on the other hand, would die nearly instantly, while even the frost armored bees would have a really bad time. With spotlights searching down their largest concentrations, and their targets all shielded in spotlights, the bees would have a tough time contributing. Meanwhile, all her allies would feel slight boosts and buffs, to fairly random stats. Spread across so many targets, both ally and enemy, the individual power wasn't that high. [@KoL] Edit: Of course, seeing that Apia and her bees weren't legitimate targets nor could Pink sense them, the lights wouldn't do anything and Pink would just be stung and die.