Hi there guys! Just had a skim through the interest check thread and a good read of the OP, so rest assured I understand that the slots for this game may already be taken. However! I'd like to express interest in a couple of ways. First, if there have or will be drop-outs for whatever reason, I'd be keen to make a character. If not, I would like to offer my help in being a GM resource if you need it. I've run and played plenty of Pathfinder before, including GMing for the local Pathfinder Society organised play lodge. (PFS tend to be sticklers for 'rules as written' for the most part, so being exposed to people there helped me figure out many under-the-rader and strange intricacies with the rules. Not to disrespect house rules -- they're downright necessary for Pathfinder sometimes -- but it is what it is.) If nothing else, I can be a backup to fill a slot should circumstances prevent a player from continuing. I've got a list of builds I've been thinking about that I could bodge together. Might even make a custom race if you'd permit me with those 12 RP. So, would you guys be willing to have me?