*Just because Mergoux can't walk, doesn't mean she can't fight. As the Major approaches her she draws a long knife and slashes at him. Her chestplate also protects from the kicks, as even a steel-toed boot on the foot of Dwayne Johnson would have trouble hurting someone through a thick medieval breastplate* *She attempts to knock the pistol from his hands when he gets too close and lunges at him, using her good leg to propel herself towards him. Her dagger goes to slash towards the Major's throat as she snarls in fury* *Jilial doesn't seem to notice the Dr's gesture but instead slowly gets up. She walks outside the room and to the edge of the treeline, then at the edge of the woods she gets down on her hands and knees and starts to dig, her claws tearing through the earth with relative ease* *Her stomach rumbles and her scales are pale with cold, but the sun begins to warm her blood as she digs a grave for her lover with her bare hands*