*major backs up qucikly as can bleedign as the blade cuts into the light kevlar uniform that minus its outer layer is only designed to be a tough weather and dust resistant fabric dropping the pistol as he goes* *suffering a crossbow bolt to the chest and now knife wound starts to impact more heavily and lacks the pure Armour in day to day atire and relises it imperitive to end anything quickly* gah... I was trying not to kill you for being a idiot... where did this crazy barbarian come from. *Keeps backing up unsteadily and draws the plasma pistol that fires like a .44* *aims several shots for easiest target of centre mass when aim less steady each shot with a heavier force and a burning heat of plasma that would likely cause metal to glow and impart a large amount of energy. * (Fallout plasma is alot weaker than 40K or other universes that would melt clean though inches of steel like nothing) ... *Dr looks over sadly and watches her go relising she pretty much broken*