Cs Name: Rose Gender: Female Species: Human Age: 17 Room Number: Rooming With: Alignment: Neutral Good Appearance: [img]http://img02.deviantart.net/4e9f/i/2011/326/b/d/fairy_wing__alchemist_mage_class_by_stealthmoves-d4h0clh.jpg[/img] Personality: Rose is a typical book worm always reading and studying always wanting to learn more because of this she is a little socially awkward because of this she spends most of her time alone with her books she is kind and considerate of others and is always willing to offer a helping hand Bio: as a child Rose never had many friends or anyone she could really talk to so instead of socialising she read book books on heros and there adventures books on magic and supernatural beings and eventually began to teach herself how to use magic she became quite skilled but she knew she still had a lot to learn and teaching herself was taking to long so she began to look for magic teachers and instead found a school dedicated to teaching those with magic abilities she enrolled right away Power 1: Rune Manipulation Power 2: Transmutation (Alchemy Magic from Fullmetal Alchemist) Family: Friends: Sentimental Attachment: Other: