[@Ciaran][@AllHollowsEve] [i]Kull gawked and did a double take, stopping cold in his march.[/i] "Women...? WOMEN!? THAT ONE'S WEARING A F*CKING DRESS. PONTIO, WHAT THE HELL IS THIS!?" [i]The advisor bellowed back at Kull, emperor wincing with his head still cradled in his hands.[/i] "YOUR OPPONENTS, CAPTAIN. DO GIVE US A GOOD SHOW, NOW!" [i]Kull groaned ans squinted, giving the ladies a quick look over. The big one was clearly a warrior, but the dainty creature approaching looked like more of a duelist than a manslayer. Regardless, Kull saw her confidence and decided not to play the situation off as a joke. There had obviously been a sort of premeditation in this matchup. The huge one for strength and the small one complementing the challenge with speed. Seeing the small one taunt him, Kull guffawed with pleasure, and began quickly striding towards her. He held the greataxe with his right hand, gripping the shaft just below the axehead to help support its weight, left hand a foot from the bottom of the shaft which extended down past the side of his pelvis. He held the weapon across his body, axehead hefted just above the level of his right shoulder. Just how close was he going to be allowed to get to the Dame? If not stopped, he'd enter her reach without a second's hesitation unless the bigger woman made cause for concern, axehead wavering in anticipation of a killing swing.[/i] "HAW! LOOKS LIKE YOU GOT A PAIR! I LIKE THAT! YOUR BIG FRIEND TOO, IN A MORE LITERAL SENSE! HAW HAW!"