Nelos Oakleaf [hider=Present!] Name: Nelos Oakleaf Gender: Male Species: Forest Spirit Age: 13 Appearance: [img][/img] Nelos has green, semi curvy, shoulder length hair that's always tangled and unkempt. He has pale green skin, long pointed ears, golden eyes, and small claws on his hands and feet, as well as small, needle like fangs. He wears a blue tunic fastened with a basic leather belt with a stone buckle, tan pants, and a cloak made of deer hide and held in place by a raw gemstone. He never wears shoes. Personality: Nelos is extremely mature for a thirteen year old, as he is the physical manifestation of an entire forest that has existed for over three thousand years. That being said, he IS still thirteen and will still act like one from time to time. He also knows very little of "civilized" society, leading to a great amount of confusion in certain circumstances. Overall, though, he is very wise and kind, knowing much but always wanting to learn more. Bio: [hider=Trees never say anything that isn't worth taking a long time to say.] Once upon a time, a traveler was on his way to somewhere from somewhere else. These two places matter no more than the traveler themselves, as none of them exist anymore. What is important, however, is that the traveler had to pass through a forest and across a great, rolling plane in order to get where they were going. As they passed through that forest, an oak seed managed to find it's way into the traveler's garments. The seed, you see, was curious to see what was outside of it's forest. Half way across the planes, however the seed fell off of it's unwitting transport. Left alone and with no one to care for it, the seed did what all abandoned seeds do and hid in the ground. Not surprisingly, the seed then grew into an oak tree, that then dropped it's own seeds, which then grew more trees. As the trees grew, they offered shade. The shade attracted animals, who then spread the seeds farther. Eventually, that one seed had grown into an entire forest, complete with rivers and rocks and animals and all else you would expect. This came to be know as the Wandering Forest. Yet through all of this, the great oak tree that now sat in the center of it's forest, watching and caring for all within itself, as all in it were part of it, had never lost is sense of curiosity. Realizing that forests, unlike seeds, cannot simply attach themselves to wondering travelers, it tried a different approach. It took a leaf out of the books of it's animals and began creating a new being within itself. It took many years, but the forest had many years at it's disposal, and eventually made a child to be venture forth and satisfy it's curiosity. That child, dubbed Nelos Oakleaf by the first humans it encountered, has been wandering for about a decade, learning all it can about the world outside of the Wandering Forest. [/hider] Power 1: control over plants Power 2: minor shape shifting Family: all plants, animals, minerals, and rivers within the Wandering Forest Friends: none (yet!) Sentimental Attachment: everything natural, living or non-living Other: his shape shifting is limited to changing specific parts of his body, and is based off of what can be found naturally in his forest [/hider]