Hi! Hope you don't mind, but I'm interested in joining with my very enthusiastic necromancer. c: [hider=Esperanza R. A. Ciervo] [b]Name:[/b] Esperanza Rosalind Adella Ciervo [b]Nicknames/Aliases:[/b] Esper, Espie, Esp, La Hija de la Muerte [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Species:[/b] Human/Necromancer [b]Age:[/b] 15 [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]http://i.imgur.com/2t17LwS.png[/img] Clocking in at 5’3”, Esperanza is a woman of a slim, almost twiggy build, with tanned skin and sad brown eyes. Black hair falls just above her shoulders, and the girl herself is typically found wearing a distant, dreaming expression. Hers is the face that could blend into a crowd easily, if not for a few key quirks that keeps that fairly difficult. Namely, her right pinkie and several of her toes amputated right down to the knuckle, and a tangle of ink across her wrists, arms, and back. The tattoos are by far the most eye-catching, stylized to appear as pitch black feathers, and, in the case of her back, wings, sprouting from her skin. There are times when portions of her tattoos are hidden- most frequently in bandages, as a direct result of her frequent use of blood magic. The girl herself is quite twitchy as well, with a stilted, awkward grasp on the English language and a thick accent. Esp typically wears a variety of multicolored blouses, long-ankle length skirts, and loafers throughout her everyday life. [b]Personality:[/b] By all means, Esperanza can be considered a decent person. She genuinely makes an effort to be friendly and understanding to her peers, and is an intelligent young woman, but is still very much...peculiar, to say the least. Esp has a difficulty grasping most social norms, which can lead her to speaking a bit too much of her mind, sacrificing small animals in the name of her god, and generally struggling to interact without eccentricities. Nevertheless, Esp is a kind soul who is eager to experience the novelties of school, and is fiercely loyal and stubborn towards what- or who- she believes in. [b]Biography:[/b] While certain families of necromancers can be considered “eccentric” by the standards of others, the Ciervo lineage is one of the more strange ones. Based in rural Mexico, the Ciervos are a line of Necromancers that found their start back when the Mayans were still alive and well. They have made a name for themselves for their rather interesting community- a cult by their own creation, based around the worship of the Lady Death. The methods have ranged from cannibalism to live human sacrifice in the past, although due to the intervention of other magical groups, they have tampered these practices down for the most part. The cult rounds to about a few hundred members in modern times, and is a primarily matriarchal society led by La Hijas de la Muerte: The Daughters of Death. As the name would imply, the Daughters are a group made up of the exclusively female necromancers of the Ciervo family, who are seen as the leaders and guardians of the cult. It is their job to organize and perform the various sacraments, rituals and ceremonies the cult performs in their god’s name, overlook and make decisions, tend to the bodies within the public crypt, and protect their community from harm. Esperanza was born into the family, having been officially brought into the fold as a young child after an incident involving the channeling of her great-grandmother’s spirit. She was promptly whisked away to reside with the other Daughters, and, while tutored in the basics of learning, her education was primarily focused around learning control of her own developing powers, varieties of blood wards, preparation of cadavers, and so on and so forth. While allowed to roam the grounds of the cult, mingle during festivals, and visit family, most of her time was spent in the crypts. For the most part, Esp was content with this life, albeit somewhat lonely. Due to Esperanza’s...rather noticeable lack of people skills, the family eventually made the decision to send Esp to a proper school (albeit with a fair deal of opposition from many members of the family). The school, they hoped, would better teach Esperanza how to serve as a leader, and how to better reach out to prospective members of their religion and convince them to join. Esperanza was delighted by the news, and is eager for the chance to taste the life of a “normal girl”- even if it’s only for the briefest of times. [b]Power One:[/b] [i]Necromancy:[/i] Due to her lineage, Esperanza naturally possesses the ability to reanimate and control the dead (to some extent). While she can call ghouls and ghosts alike to her aid, she finds it much easier to raise corpses, although doing so requires the body to claw itself out of the earth if it’s not already above ground. In addition, she struggles to maintain control over the spirits she summoned. Due to the ghosts typically being of departed relatives, they tend to be naturally protective of her, but often do what they please for the most part. When under great emotional stress, Esperanza will unconsciously activate her powers, which can cause trouble in certain situations. [b]Power Two:[/b] [i]Blood Magic:[/i] By cutting herself and drawing sigils with the spilled blood, Esperanza can perform various spells and wards. These range from mundane lock and silencing seals, to protective wards and means of binding demons temporarily. It’s also theoretically possible for her to summon demons via this method, but doing so would take a large amount of blood in order to both draw and seal the creature, and Esperanza views the process of summoning a demon as “dirty”. The spells can last from the span of a few hours to several days, but in order to maintain the effect past its expiration, the sigils periodically require a fresh coating of blood. [hider=Family] [b]Grandmother:[/b] Elizabeth F. Ciervo [b]Mother:[/b] Elise V. R. Ciervo [b]Father:[/b] Daniel A. Ciervo [b]Older Sister:[/b] Araceli X. A. Ciervo [b]Older Brother:[/b] Javier D. W. Ciervo [b]Younger Sister:[/b] Leticia T. O. Ciervo [b]Youngest Sister:[/b] Patricia P. H. Ciervo Esperanza’s family is rather large, so for reasons of practicality, only the family members that make up her direct household have been listed. [/hider] [b]Friends:[/b] None at the moment [b]Sentimental Attachment:[/b] Death, and by extension, her religion and the marks that it’s left on her. Esperanza is very insistent that the dead be treated with respect, and that death is nothing to be feared. She bears her tattoos and missing parts with pride. [b]Other:[/b] - While not actively malicious, Esperanza is somewhat sexist in regards to male necromancers, believing that they’re unable to accomplish the same feats that a woman could. - Physically quite weak, due to her heavy reliance on her magical abilities. [/hider]