[@AllHollowsEve] Good Cs just a few minor things. One, could you try and find a picture of your character please. Two, powers. Power one, plant and animals are two completely different things. If you want both you'll need to use both spots. What I'd recommend is Plant Manipulation and Animal Magic. Animal magic would allow you to talk to, control and even become animals as well as much more. [@EchoicChamber] Good Cs. Just note you can also use animal blood for rituals but I guess that is what the sacrificing animals. I haven't read your bio yet, it's too long and I haven't got the time yet but I'll assume it's ok, but don't get me wrong. Having a long bio is good, I like it. [@semicolon] Ok that's fine. Just be careful of God moding. You can try to control any of my characters if you want, just keep in mind some may become hostile afterwards.