[center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjgwLmYwMDAwMC5WR2hsSUU5dVpRLCwuMg,,/yananeska-personal-use.regular.png[/img] [b]Germany[/b] [hr][@Surtr][hr] Well, looks like he [i]wouldn't[/i] crash into the flesh-lacking fuckboi as he flew a bit adjacent to the path of the blondie, gritting his teeth as he squeezed his walking stick, eying the dirt he was soaring above. Grasping his stick, he wasn't just going to let himself crash into the fucking soil, especially not after making a coolass entrance in front of these bitches! Using his other hand, he yanked his hat off his perpetually bald head, and, in tandem with jamming his stick downwards, shot a rocket out to propel him towards the ground. This combo allowed him to lodge his stick into the dirt and caused him to be shot downwards as well. Using this momentum, he broke way from his stick and tumbled into a roll, holding his hat close to his chest. As he rolled, he timed it so he would jam his foot into the ground, causing him to skid a bit, but not before coming to a complete halt. ... aaaaannnnndddd fucking pose. The One's landing looked identical to a person squatting, save for a protruding leg with a heel digging into the ground. His hat hand was damn perfect with it stretching all the way out above the leg that was projected outwards, and his other bitching arm was bent with the elbow jutting out at the cyborg bitch and tits. Smirking, he collected himself as he stood up, leaving that pose behind as he twirled his hat around like a balling motherfucker. [color=ed1c24]"Fucking thanks,"[/color] he mused, chuckling lightly to himself as he donned his hat and slowly began traversing towards the duo, yanking his walking stick out of the ground as he analyzed the duo. Leaning his head upwards, a light grin could be seen forming across his face, his chin projecting outwards at the dumbass duo. [color=ed1c24]"I didn't follow you two for two fucking weeks just to receive some god damn thanks with you two leaving after all that,"[/color] he growled, twirling his stick around before pointing it directly at the duo, standing his ground as he came to a pause. He pursed his lip, both dissimilar eyes traveling between boy getting reamed wonder and scrap for tits for a few seconds. [color=ed1c24]"No, no, no, I came here for a fucking touching reunion between moi,"[/color] he pressed a hand to his chest, relocating his stick from pointing in the duo's general direction to directing his stick solely at Seven-Seven's chest. [color=ed1c24]"... and Seven-Seven... kind of fucking funny how you earned the label of terrorist, honestly."[/color] He began laughing. It was a forced, irritated laugh as he menacingly gazed at the two, his whole demeanor slowly dipping down into one of malignancy as his eyes glowed brightly, his gaze electrically piercing. [color=ed1c24]"... it won't fucking matter anyways,"[/color] he said, keeping one fucking finger on Seven-Seven, and and eye on Justin. [color=ed1c24]"Especially after I beat the shit out of you, just like the others... so don't you [i]dare[/i] try to get the fuck away from me you cucks."[/color][hr][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjExNi43ZDE0ZmYuUVd4a2IzVnpJRTFsY21ObGNnLCwuMwAA/antro-vectra.regular.png[/img] [b]Japan[/b][hr][@Surtr][@lavulman][@redbaron1234][hr] Ah, what a truly interesting sight! Aldous was no stranger to these tournaments, especially after being marooned here for who know how many years... twenty or thirty? Bah, it was worth it, especially since there was no use in risking crossing the ocean floor again since it might damage his precious notes and research he had collected over the past years! The skeleton was hard at work, red orbs set between three mediums - the fight, the crowd, and most importantly, his scavenged notebook! Who cared if the design was frilly, missing a few pages, or had a moderately messed up ring binder? Aldous continuously jotted down notes about the fighters, their fighting styles, and the way the crowd would sometimes whip into a frenzy after each blow! With another slew of combo's and moves from both fighters, Aldous listlessly scrawled more information about the crowd and how they reacted to each of the combatants. When he analyzed the situation and saw the woman sling a fireball at the man in... what did they call a person dressed in that strange suit of armor again? A Super Sentei Hero? He would refer to his notes later; noticeable descriptions for each battler were on the side. Regardless, he turned his head back, nearly getting a skull full of fist from one of the cheering battlers on the sidelines. For the most part, there was a moderate amount of people who cheered when the girl in white managed to harm her opposer. In a few moments, the Sentei fighter managed to turn the tide, earning him a much louder response from the crowd. Hm... interesting... Guess these two functioned as sort of... "Heroes," or in other terms, the face. Something he noticed when one of the more beastly battlers or him fighting, there was little to no amounts of cheering for them... hm... [color=662d91]"I still guess people like us function as the heel still, even after all these years,"[/color] he murmured, flipping back a few pages as he jotted down some extra details on himself and another fighter. He sighed a bit, knowingly participating in his observations as opposed to just... observing. Shaking his head, he relegated himself back to his study as he continued writing down bites of information, even after the one draped in armor was tossed out of the arena. [color=662d91]"Cheering and jeering, eh? Hmm... this research is starting to look familiar to last years data,"[/color] he murmured, grinding his dull pencil against his ki protected teeth, sharpening the utensil. As he began moving his pencil back to the parchment, he noticed everything get darker a bit. If he could blink, he would, turning his skull towards the sky above. ... a droplet of rain trickled onto his notebook; more droplets followed after the first as he slapped the book shut, rapping his mandible with the newly sharp edge of his pencil. The red orbs flattened themselves into a disc-like form, the visual comparable to someone squinting. [color=662d91]"... how unprecedentedly peculiar; the forecast say naught of anything for a risk of rain,"[/color] he mumbled, taking into consideration as he stood up straight, looking around the stadium above. It was a light drizzle from what it felt like, but if he had to predict, it would possibly pick up into a rainstorm, especially with darkened clouds... Aldous shook his head, noting the unusual actions of mother nature, doting on the fact that clouds like this just don't come in and pop out of nowhere unexpectedly. On the way here, he noted nothing of the sort happening, especially with how bright and sunny it was today, such a contrast! Tapping the eraser of his pencil against his two front teeth, Aldous was now stuck between two mediums as he paced away from the smaller arena - the strangeness behind the appearing rainstorm, and the fighters, along with how each of them appealed to the crowd in some way! What an irritating conundrum... But still, with each passing moment, he thought, and thought, and thought... until finally... The winds picked up and it looked like mother nature just went from seething with rage to full blown terror as she ravaged the earth. The necromancer was damned when he felt the weather start to pick up! Not only were they risking rain, they were risking a full blown monsoon! Instinctively, Aldous grasped at the first thing he could get his skeletal fingers on, and held onto dear life on the railing. His crown crackled against the frontal part of his skull, his garment blew against him as if trying to sweep him away... and much to his horror, his orbs watched as the most precious thing was torn from his hands. His. Notebook. [color=662d91]"NO,"[/color] he shouted, unaware of the others behind him as he screeched into the blustering storm. [color=662d91]"Not my research,"[/color] he shouted, his fingers reaching towards the now scattered corpse of paper, bindings, and other miscellaneous items that once made up the notebook. His jaw was slackened, agape from such horrors that added upon horrors! First a freak monsoon and now him losing important parts of research?! [color=662d91]"Blasted storm! No way that something like this could puff out of nowhere,"[/color] he angrily jeered to the skies above.[/center]