[b]"So, they'll be here soon?"[/b] Flamedramon asked, waiting with Lilymon and Arukenimon in the main room of the Tamer's Bureau. It really hadn't been too long since she sent the emails. Yumeko and Rachel's first, then Kameo's. She wanted a chance to talk to the first two girls before introducing the latter. Soon enough, one of the girls came in. Yumeko and her partner Tinkermon. They made a friendly combo. [color=yellow]"Hey everyone. How are you all?"[/color] She asked to the group of Digimon. Flamedramon tried a friendly face, but he was brooding a bit too much. Thinking of what to do. [color=yellow]"... Did we..."[/color] She question, her face showing she was easily uncomfortable. [b]"Ahhh, don't worry about him. He's just trying to think about useless things at the moment. It's not your fault at all. It couldn't be help."[/b] Arukenimon said. Her face hardly changed so Yumeko had a hard time reading it at first. Soon enough she softened her face and nodded. [b]"We hadn't expected the Hackers and Chessmon to be in cahoots with each other. We really should have sent in someone else to help, but what's done is done."[/b] Flamedramon nodded, [b]"Sorry, not meaning to frighten you or anything. Just weighing the options. Nothing I can think of though."[/b] He seemed to have a thought, but looked to have internally dismissed it. Soon enough, the door opened and Rachel and Impmon came in. Seems like they were bickering not too long ago. [color=yellow]"Oh, Rachel and Impmon. I... Half expected you two to not be here."[/color] The note did ask for the both of them... Yumeko didn't think that someone that acted like Rachel would show up a second time. Arukenimon chimed in though, [b]"And better than that! I have pants... Oh, nevermind. You have them on. I'll just keep them here for you."[/b] The Spider Woman said as she walked over to a closet and set them in there, waiting for the next time Rachel forgot her pants. [b]"Good, good. Now, I have good news! We have another tamer for you all to partner up with! She's pretty energetic and likes to swim. Should be heeeeerrrrreeeee........"[/b] The Digimon said as a door opened with a bubbly looking red-head and a fish-like creature. [b]"Now! Introduce yourself!"[/b]