Cs Name: Shade Gender: None (Male in previous life) Age: Unknown (15 in previous life) Species: Heartless Room Number: 222 Rooming With: Alex Alignment: Neutral Appearance: [IMG]http://i68.tinypic.com/23kpxdg.jpg[/IMG] Personality: Shade is a heartless, a creature that does not possess a soul or heart. Heartless are simply monsters, born to kill and destroy, however, Shade is different. In his previous life, he was a psychic, and a powerful one at that however, in his time of dying, and becoming a heartless, those memories began to fade, his emotions became lost and his mind started to become unstable. It was the normal progression to becoming a heartless, however, Shade kept hold of his memories due to his psychic powers, he was able to keep hold of them and remember his previous life. Thanks to this, Shade didn't become the monster that all heartless were born to be. However, he had lost touch with his emotions, and it is now difficult for him to feel emotion or empathy although he does try his hardest. He tries to remember how those feeling felt in his previous life, but, having no soul or heart prevents him from actual feeling those emotions, no matter how he tries to remember how they felt, he still cannot feel them. He hopes that one day, this shall change. He finds it difficult to resist his heartless nature of death and destruction. Bio: TBR since his history is all forgotten. Power 1: Heartless Physiology Power 2: Psychic Family: Unknown Friends: None Sentimental Attachment: None Weapon: His only weapon are his powers Other: