Think this might be good to go, lemme know if it needs any tweaks or additions. [hider=Kid Eternity] [center]Basic Information ========= Superhero/villain Name: Kid Eternity Civilian Name: Timothy McClellan Origin city/Planet: Hub City Hometown: Hub City Sex: Male Race: Caucasian/Homo Magi (Dormant) Height: 5'4" Weight: 106 lbs Age: 12 Birth Date: December 22nd, 2007 -------- Costumed Appearance: [hider=Arcana!] [img][/img] [/hider] Civilian Appearance: [hider=Placeholder FC] [img][/img] [/hider] Icon: Yellow Thunderbolt Costumed Personality: As Kid Eternity, Tim is sort of thrilled to be taking up the role of a hero and as a result while he's not a completely different person, he tries his best to project an image of himself as an ideal young hero. The Intellect of Mnemosyne also pairs well with his natural bookish nature, and when he's not overcome by anger he's likely to try and pursue problems from an intellectual angle. He wants to do good with his powers, especially now that he's properly experienced suffering for himself and feels the need to correct it in the world. Unfortunately, he's still just as impulsive and hot-headed underneath and is probably less forgiving of those who do evil than is healthy. Civilian Personality: Tim's upbringing has had a major impact on his everyday personality, and as a result he's more sheltered, refined and posh than anyone would expect from a kid from Hub City. He's also a much better kid than he has any right to be given what the rich and famous of Hub City are normally like, trying to be kind to everyone regardless of background and generally driven to do what's right instead of what's convenient. He even has at least the beginnings of the capacity for self-reflection and the awareness that he's lived a life of incredible privilege. Still, he's far from perfect even if it's a minor miracle that he was raised right in the first place. He can be brash, hot-headed and has trouble forgiving those who abuse their power or hurt the weak, and he's sometimes naive or looks at things too simply. in terms of interests, he likes learning about as much obscure stuff as possible and reading mostly historical subjects, mysteries and sci-fi fantasy stuff and is pretty passionate about his martial arts lessons but isn't otherwise very unusual. Super abilities -Skills: has some self-defense training as a result of over-prepared parents. It's the sort of Kindergarten Krav Maga that's mainly geared towards preventing and escaping kidnappings. It's enough to handle an overconfident schoolyard bully or maybe give him an opportunity to run from an unsuspecting adult thug, nothing more. He's otherwise an average 12-year-old boy with an above average but completely unhoned intellect, and he's likely got even less physical ability after the super-accident he'll be involved in. -Powers: Magic of Selene (Reduced) Kid Eternity is gifted with the ability to wield primordial arcane magic by Selene, the goddess of the Moon and Mysticism. Because he derives his powers indirectly, from Lady Arcana, his capacity for magical energy is more limited. Nevertheless he still has the potential to become the second most powerful spellcaster on the planet some day. Tim does have one advantage over his source, in that he's a natural prodigy when it comes to magic, said to have the talent to be a once-in-a-generation mage even without the powers of Shazam. -Spell Casting: Kid Eternity's spellcasting is more limited in sheer power than Lady Arcana's, but he still has the potential to eventually rival the gods with his spells when transformed. Additionally Tim has a natural affinity for magic that makes him well-suited to sorcery -Magic Resistance -Self-Sustenance: The ability to survive without food, water, sleep, or air. Speed of Hermes (Reduced) The fleet-footed messenger god Hermes lends Kid Eternity a portion of his incredible speed, allowing him to fly at immense speeds even within the atmosphere of Earth and many times that in space. In combat, he is able to greatly exceed this limit in brief bursts of speed to reposition himself or overwhelm opponents with literally lightning fast strikes, but doing so actually strains him. In addition he is still slower than Lady Arcana and many other heroes possessed of superhuman speed, only able to draw on part of Hermes's swiftness. -Superhuman Speed -Flight -Superhuman Agility -Superhuman Reflexes Might of Atlas (Reduced) The invincible Titan Atlas provides Kid Eternity with some attributes of his nigh-unbreakable form. In addition it reduces the buildup of fatigue toxins in his body to near-impossibly minuscule levels though he can eventually become fatigued -Near Invulnerability - Limited Superhuman Stamina -Accelerated Healing Power of Zeus (Reduced) The King of the gods gifts Kid Eternity with a weaker version of the divine thunderbolt and command over the living lightning first granted to him by the primordial Chaos. All of his magic is channeled through and amplified by this power. -Divine Electrokinesis: Can generate and manipulate mystical lightning. The power and amount of the lightning is weaker than Lady Arcana's -Transformation: The ability to transform from a mortal to an entity empowered by the six Gods. -Teleportation: The ability to access the Rock of Eternity Strength of Alcaeus (Reduced) Kid Eternity has been gifted with a fraction of the incalculable strength of Alcaeus, the original name of mighty Herakles. Because of his indirect link with the legendary figure through Lady Arcana, Kid Eternity's physical strength maxes out at the ability to life not quite 200-tons. -Superhuman Strength Intellect of Mnemosyne The only power of Shazam not reduced via Kid Eternity's link with Lady Arcana. This Titan Goddess gifts Kid Eternity with her eidetic memory and knowledge of all languages. This allows him to recall any information he learns with flawless clarity, and comprehend as well as speak any sapient tongue. -Enhanced Intellect -Omniglot -Gadgets: -Weapons: Civilian Occupation: Elementary School Biography--------- Character History/Origin: Timothy McClellan was already not quite an ordinary elementary school student. His family came from among the old elite of Hub City's upper classes and he lived an extraordinarily priviledged, especially compared to the city's average residents. Still, he turned out less spoiled than his circumstances should've allowed, his heart largely untouched by the often seedy, cruel and emotionally manipulative life of a Hub City aristocrat. As if all of this wasn't enough there was one more thing working to set Tim McClellan apart: He was one of ten candidates deemed potentially capable of becoming a successor and champion to the wizard Shazam. Tim had incredible latent potential as a magic user, and even though his Homo Magi heritage remains dormant it is enough for him to be considered a future magical prodigy. However, Shazam was able to determine that his heart was not quite pure enough to wield The Wizard's full power. Tim remained tainted by inner darkness that could make abuse of such power too likely. Thus he was passed over and the power went to Karen Hernandez instead, turning her into Lady Arcana. Optional information ---------- Nemesis: Allies: Lady Arcana Team: (These are probably blank, unless you're the Batman analogue)[/center] [/hider]