Bóthilda frowned at the steward's comment about her not making it past noon. It reminded her of when she first told her mother she was going to be a warrior and the scoff her mother made. "You are a girl Bóthilda, girls and women don't fight the battles men do." Her mother had told her with scorn. When she had started to argue against her mother's statement she got a smack with the spoon and told not to argue. Bóthilda had fled from her mother in tears and defiant fury. She had started to gather her things in her attempt to run away and prove her mother wrong. She left shortly after determined to prove her mother wrong. Not long after she left her father walked up beside her. "So you are leaving us now? Where are you planning on going hmm?" "Yes. I am going to Serpentstone to learn to be a warrior. Mother won't let me do it here so I will go else where." Søren nodded. "Aye cause the Earl will take a young girl who has run away from home into his garrison to train." He placed a gentle hand on his only child's shoulder. "You know he will send you back right?" "Then I will go somewhere else." Bóthilda replied stubbornly. Søren sighed heavily. "Well you seem to have it all planned out." He stopped and watched her slowly come to a stop on her own. "You know your mother only worries for your safety yes? Where she grew up women were not warriors. They kept the home and raised the children. I know you habe a warrior's spirit as it runs in our family. If you come home with me now I will speak with your mother about you beginning training." The memory ended with her waking the next morning and being ushered off to the small training ground in the village by her father. Her mother watched on with saying a word. Bóthilda left the hall now set to prove the steward wrong. Once in the yard she went strait to the one eyed thane Hadvar Arnsgeirsson. "I was told to come to you about joining the Jormundgard. My name is Bóthilda Sørensdotter."