... Minev smiled underneath her hood as the fox-eared Amali defended her, swallowing the bitter taste of their words with the sweetness of watching the Paladin retinue driven off indignantly and irrefutably by Sayuri's clever intimidation. Though she made sure to wave at Halcine before they exited her view, giving her an apologetic gaze. No doubt the young Sentinel would get in some form of trouble over the matter, as they tended to blame her for many incredulous things. But this was all she could do at the moment. She was sure to pilfer some sort of treat for the poor girl later. Such a grace of kindness was incredibly rare, and the few people who gave her such a thing she tried to keep in best interest. One day, these debts will be repaid in equal. She would make sure of it. Though, somewhere in her heart, she couldn't help but think these things were out of pity than of mutual trust. Whatever it may be, the tattooed woman whispered Saiyuri a soft response. [b]"Thank you, I cannot repay you enough..." [/b] She then stepped out towards the crowd and streets beneath them with a firm grin. Though the expression was merely a mask, tenuous at best as she faced this new threat. The cloaked figure stared at the bustling parade with hesitation, her eyes darting back and forth at the laughter and cheer. Though that might be what was in reality, all she could hear were snide jeers and cruel words. It almost seemed as though she did not know where to first begin, the gloomy woman having been cast to an unfamiliar environment. Granted this brief moment of peace and joy, she did not want to first delve into gritty business. Not while the celebration has struck its full stride. I would be a shame to let this freedom go to waste, to let this victory go unannounced. She wanted to commemorate the occasion with Saiyuri, as was fitting. However, it was difficult. All Minev knew were the ancient tales and scriptures, being the guidelines with which she ordered and conducted herself. The rest being the things she made habit in her isolation around the mucky swampland surrounding Altamea, spiritual conducts to ensure her rituals and magic went unhindered by otherwise inharmonious auras. And out of all of this, none of them spoke of such joyous things in detail. It occurred to her now more than ever that the only bits of history anyone cared for was the tragic and horrific. With a practiced smile to hide her true feelings, Minev looked back at Saiyuri confidently. [b]"Well, what would you recommend? Ah, I am not picky, so don't worry about that..." [/b] Within her dress, the pale-taloned hands grasped tightly, hoping her companion would not notice how she shook. ...