[center][h3] [color=662d91]Jade Stone [/color][/h3] Mentions: [@LetMeDoStuff] [@Solace] [/center] [color=662d91]"You said we won't need rescuing, right?"[/color] Jade flashed a brilliant grin at the taller young man before turning towards Reese, who approached them slowly. The dark hair girl smiled at her old friend and agreed with a small nod,[color=662d91] "I definitely didn't think this was how I'd be welcomed back after receiving the wrong orders. Typical that even to this day they confuse me with Olivia."[/color] A small laugh escaped her lips before turning towards the others that had already gotten in their assigned groups and departing towards the oncoming onslaught. With a sigh, Jade turned to her comrades and gestured for them to follow suit, leading the way into their formation with as little words as possible. Quite frankly, she was muted by fear. Jade didn't know how to even begin to form a sentence, much less give commands during this time. [b]"Do we have any plan of attack? We need to figure out what we're going to do or else we'll all be mid-day snacks for the titans."[/b] Jay's words were true,and struck a cord in Jade. She cleared her throat after a moment passed before deciding that she needed to speak up, [color=662d91]"Reese, you're the closest to being as fast as I am. I want you to stick by me at all times in case there are any titans that get too close. We should focus on helping citizens, but if need be, you and I will go behind it and take out the legs." She hated that she was now becoming a bit bossy and demanding but there was little to no time to wait for protests. Her eyes went over to Grant, knowing that he was the best with his gear and could efficiently get up to the titan's nape. [/color][color=662d91]"Grant, you will be taking the titan out for good. Once Reese and I knock it down, that's your cue to hit it where it hurts."[/color] [b]"What am I? Chopped liver?"[/b] Jay's ignorance irritated Jade, causing her to snap at him without her thinking twice, [color=662d91]"You will be if you don't shut up. You'll distract any titans in order for us to..."[/color] Jade's words were cut off mid sentence as her eyes widened in horror. As they flew by buildings, she did not think that the titans would be anywhere near them, but she was wrong. It wasn't horribly tall, about six meters, but the dead eyes that stared back at her were enough to chill the small girl's bones. [color=662d91]"T-titan... Titan to your right!!"[/color] [b]"On it, short boss!"[/b] Jay was the first to truly react, sending his body in a sort of loop before launching it's way towards the titan that was reaching into a house full of screaming people. Jade took little time to make sure that the hideous beast was distracted before she shouted for Reese and followed after Jade, zooming through the alleys and streets so fast it made everything besides her turn into a giant blur. Not really measuring her distance, she had gone well past the titan, but it allowed for her to get a better angle as to be able to cut right behind its legs. She knew she had only cut the first leg deep enough to make it fall on one knee, but she would need Reese to come through the opposite side to cut through the rest of the leg that she couldn't cut deep enough. [i][color=662d91]'Please work, please work, please work!'[/color][/i]