[center]Solglia stiffened. Hugging...was not exactly something she was used to. But somehow it felt a bit...nice. She wasn't prudish by any means, considering she was a dwarf, however she did realize with a bit of surprise how warm the other person was. Or perhaps she was just cold? They were in a windowless room and she was soaked to the bone... With a snort, she decided it was time to end that. There was an extra set of clothes in her pack and she was not staying soggy for the rest of- The night? The day? Exactly what time of the day was it? Shaking her head, she decided that did not matter. Not at the moment. The feline relieved her of her shackles and the she-dwarf nodded in a blunt and appreciative way. Then she looked surprised as that same feline female scrambled through a gap in the rubble. An half-elven and an elven figure that Solglia hadn't noticed (whether by choice or accident it was uncertain) shuffled in after. Then the magic-flinging lecturer's squiggly pet. The she-dwarf frowned. They better not touch her stuff. It may look like odd junk to them, but it was all she truly owned. "Enough," she huffed, "This One goes into retrieve her things." Wringing out her massive amounts of hair one last time, she climbed up the rubble and through the gap too. Once on the other side, she scanned the room with her eyes and a smile lit up her face when she spotted her things. It was only females in the room, so she had no need to worry. Without so much as a warning, she stripped off her soaked clothes, grumbling about sea prunes and picking jars. Naked as the day she was born, she reached into her pack and retrieved her dry clothes and set about re-dressing herself. "This is much better," she nodded, a bit more cheerful in dry clothes, reaching down to don her armor, "This One feels more dwarven in her dry things and armored dressings. Much, much better." The war cleric female turned to face the others finishing her redressing of weapons. Grabbing her pack as well as the gnomes, she actually smiled at the others. "Let us be away from this moldy cavern with haste," her accent made her jovial words a bit warm now, instead of prodding and harsh, "The AllFather guides us through this drenched rock, so let us take our leave before floundering flippers find us."[/center]