[center][h3]March 14, 2018 - Harvard, Massachusetts. Bromfield School.[/h3][/center] [center]47 Degrees. Rain. Chance of Thunderstorms.[/center] [center][IMG]http://i67.tinypic.com/w82lb5.jpg[/IMG][/center] The biography of Eddie Davis Jones was tragically short and simple. It told the story of a man who grew up in Augusta, Maine. He had a reasonably stable middle-class family. His father was the superintendent of a steel plant and his mother was a primary school teacher before she took on the role of a full-time, stay-at-home mother. Eddie's academics were average and took a backseat to his athletic prowess. Eddie's sheer height and size, even by his freshman year of high school, caught the eye of several college football scouts. By the end of his senior year, Eddie received numerous scholarship offers to play at a number of universities. But, either in spite of or perhaps even as a result of (depending on how a person may feel about the concept of fate and predestination) his tragically trope life, Eddie suffered an injury that destroyed his scholarship and his future career in the sport of football. Prior to the Terminus release, Eddie Davis Jones worked diligently as a manager at his father's steel plant. He was a hard worker and extremely punctual. But his social life declined after he dropped out of college, leading him to a life of binge drinking and watching professional football. Eddie's friends in the Eastern Front mostly consisted of occasional drinking buddies, who knew Eddie mainly for his knowledge of his favorite football team: the New England Patriots. Isaac will never know Eddie's story. As Isaac, Sticks, and Nosering hurried through the darkened halls of Bromfield's third floor, the heavy pounding became a more repetitive series. Gunshots followed, with male voices shouting over each other in-between. When the final corner was turned, Isaac could see Skullface camped in a room at the end of the hall, watching across with his back pressed tightly to the doorway. Isaac held out his arm for Sticks and Nosering, stopping them short before gesturing a finger to his lips. The two nodded and followed Isaac single-file, clutching their weapons to their chest as they kept low and proceeded down the hall. As they made their way to the room that Skullface was watching from, they gestured to the masked man, to get his attention. He held out his hand, telling them to wait momentarily, before motioning to the room across. What Isaac saw was horrifying. A tall, broadly-built man stood in a room scattered with the mangled bodies of what appeared to be scientists and nurses. The hospital bed had flung across the room with such a force that whatever was left of its structure was bent and twisted. The man, himself, was covered in fresh blood. But that wasn't what was horrifying. It was his skin...stretched thinly across his bulging muscles, almost as if it was about to tear itself apart. His teeth protruded out as his gums swelled beyond the capacity of his mouth. Each and every vein and artery was as clear as apparent as a topographical map. His muscles bulged, almost double of what they were before, giving him a hulking stature that would have been the envy of many professional body builders. Isaac had seen this effect before. But not on a human. And not on the living. This man was not one of the dead. His eyes were not vacant and hungry. His eyes were sharp. Livid. He was alive. And he was pissed. The object of the man's rage stood at the opposite corner of the room, holding a gun. He was dressed in a labcoat. Isaac recognized this man, even in the low lighting. Although his hair was less neat and his spectacles were missing, it was clearly Doctor Harper. "What the fuck happened to Eddie?" Nosering whispered to Isaac. Isaac, who simply called the tall man "Patriot", had a number of different ideas. All of which pointed to Doctor Harper and, by extension, Doctor Gordon. "We need to take out Harper and help Eddie." Skullface said. "[color=goldenrod]No![/color]" Isaac hissed, "[color=goldenrod]It's too late for him. Harper will lead us to Gordon.[/color]" "Fuck Gordon!" Nosering spat into the com before looking up at Skullface. "Tell me we're getting the fuck out of here right now!" Skullface was expressionless, save for the boney grin imprint that covered the lower-half of his face. "I'm not leaving Eddie behind." All the meanwhile, Harper was calling out to the monstrosity that Isaac called "Patriot". The monster eyed the gun as well as the man wielding it. He began to pace, testing the armed man's resolve like a linebacker testing the resolve of the quarterback. Isaac wasn't much of a sports man, but on this play, he would certainly have put money down for a blitz. Harper, in spite of his smugness, was visibly trembling. His finger was slipping on the trigger with each provocation. With one final lunge, Patriot gave a deep, throaty roar that sounded more like a bear than a human. It was a sound that sent a familiar chill down Isaac's spine. Isaac raised his weapon and opened fire, releasing a burst of shots toward the exposed spine of Patriot. But the monstrous form overtook the boney Doctor Harper with a terrifying blur. The scientist was allowed a yip of a scream and a panicked squeeze of his own trigger before the linebacker sacked him through a wall. The two of them disappeared into the smokey darkness. [i]False start[/i], Isaac would later muse to himself as he thought back on it. [i]Five yard penalty.[/i]