Planet Savasa, Sector 2814 14 hours after start of daily cycle Preston could almost get used to this. Flying at unreal speeds across the universe and saving whole populations from chaos and destruction. He didn't need to hide who he was. He was Preston Westfield, Emerald Knight and Green Lantern to this sector. Many missed his predecessor, some even resented Preston for taking his place, but they all accepted him passing, and Preston worked hard in getting them to trust in him in the event of an evil greater than their planet arriving. He almost wondered if he should go back to earth, back to being a nameless and faceless astronomer. Why did he even try to hide under an identity? Flying around this sector of the universe and protecting people took priority over working a day job that he constantly had to flee from. Not to mention how well he was treated by many of the friendlier species. He barely use his apartment anymore since he was gone, and he was sure he could work out something with one of the many alien races for bed and board, so long as he continued to protect them. He was living such a little life back on earth, and he didn't know why he was holding onto having a secret identity on earth in the first place. He was seated at a banquet held in his honor for stopping a villain from killing the leaders of the planet when his ring began to glow. It was a message sent by the Guardians, Preston assumed, and allowed his Ring to play the message to him. "Report back to earth at once. The Earthen governments have been attempting to suppress the Metahuman presence on the planet, which will only result in the escelation of violence. They won't trust the vigilantes to take care of the villailous metahumans, straining tensions between everyone. Be an agent of peace, but do not introduce the possibility of an alien presence, Preston Westfield." Preston groaned. Well it was back to the grind back on earth. Could he at least enjoy this meal and the party before we went back to his little life? Well, yeah. The ring wasn't flying him around, and he needed to recharge his ring after the party anyways to last the whole trip. Plus, he could stand to enjoy the the company of a few more promising aliens. Everyone loved a good planet saving superhero. _-_-_ It was almost a complete day on Savasa before Preston finally went home. He had done all that he needed to do, and he flew back to Earth in record time. There was a problem, though. He didn't have any idea what was going on besides what his ring was telling him. He knew his mission, but not the full details of the current climate. Reentering Earth's atmosphere, Preston flew himself back to his apartment and entered using a house key that he made with the help of his ring. Being the Emerald Knight also had practical benefits. He walked back into his apartment, fresh with a layer of dust on just about everything. Nothing had been changed, nothing stolen. That was good. He walked into his kitchen and stared at the fridge. That number was on there somewhere, he assured himself. After getting it, he made sure to put it somewhere he couldn't miss it. After close inspection, he had found the once wadded up note and pulled it off the fridge. Using the corner of his counter, he flattened it out and went to find his phone. When they had met, he certainly seemed like a down to earth guy, so he would probably have a good idea of what was going on. He punched in the numbers and hit call. He waited patiently for something to happen, and whether it was leaving a message or actually talking to the man, Preston cleared his throat to drop off his message to a man he had only spoken to once. "Hey, this is Oscar Ellison, right? I'm Preston Westfield, we spoke a while back." His free hand tugged on his collar as he suppressed a nervous laugh. "I've, uh, been gone for a while, staring at the stars for too long. And I figured, hey, you seem like a guy who knows about current events, so. Yeah. What's been going on in the world according to Oscar Ellison?" He paused. "Gah." And hung up. So stupid, he probably sounded so weird. He would be surprised if Oscar even messaged him back after this. He wouldn't be surprised, however, if Oscar played the dumb message out to any of his friends. Preston fell onto his couch and reached for the remote. Maybe the news would tell him something about the world right now. [hr] Amnesty Bay [i]Boom![/i] Patricia had thrown all care into the wind. With the rise of Metas in the world, there was no reason for her to not utilize what she had in order to progress through life. Her body was covered in armor given to her by the scarab on her back. Her left arm had been transformed into a sonic cannon, her right hand was a large net that she used to carry the large amount of money that she had just stolen from the bank she was currently robbing. Once she got to understanding the Scarab better, she could move onto the largest and most secure banks on the planet! She's be set for life! Another wall was torn down using her arm canon. From her back sprouted wings that were used to carry her forward. She could flee into the sea, leave the states for a bit and wait for the heat to die down before she returned to Amnesty Bay. She could only hope that there weren't any Metas in the area that would be keen on stopping her from carrying off all of this money.