[center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjE1OC5mYjJkYzMuV1c5MUlFRnRkWE5sSUUxbC4wAAAA/a-perfect-place.regular.png[/img] [img]http://68.media.tumblr.com/498decf631b8a182d800da4b61e85da3/tumblr_n808lj4nAG1tba8a1o2_250.gif[/img][img]http://68.media.tumblr.com/40312e3e61cfa3213c25b5b75f02e622/tumblr_n808lj4nAG1tba8a1o1_250.gif[/img][/center][hr] There were five long, insufferable minutes of silence after Audrey’s kitchen comments. In which, the brunette proceeded to fill up her plate with an assortment of breakfast foods and start eating. Soon enough it was Ava who, as if not being able to stand the quietness any longer, decided to speak up. Her words came blunt and slightly accusing as she asked Audrey if her interest in her brother came from his wallet. Instead of taking offense to Ava Mossos’ accusations, Audrey actually smirked in amusement. Although she hid it behind a mask of crassness, it was clear that the petite girl cared very much about her brother. It made sense, seeing as she was probably well aware of the intentions of some women while Alex had simply used his dick instead of his brain. The closest the Latina had to a sibling was Delilah and Leslie, and she would most definitely be suspicious and on the lookout for anyone trying to get advantage of them. It was this why she wasn’t fazed with the suspicions, and instead tried to reassure the young woman sitting across her that she had no ill intentions. [color=deeppink]“Oh, no. I’m pretty well off in the financial department.”[/color] Audrey calmly replied to Ava, taking a bite of her scrambled eggs and swallowing them before continuing with her answer. [color=deeppink]“If you’ve got any doubts, a quick Google search can provide you with most of the answers you seek. If my family was going through any sort of financial situation or distress, everyone would know: trust me. The tabloids would have a field day.”[/color] At Ava’s inquiry of if Alex had drugged her to get her to sleep with him, Audrey’s eyes widened, and she nearly choked on her juice. [color=deeppink]“Wait, has he done that before?!”[/color] she cried out, clearly concerned. Unfortunately, her comment was ignored by the bickering of the Mossos siblings. She made a mental note to inquire further about this accusation later on. A second attempt at not choking on her juice failed miserably when Ava once again put Audrey on the hot seat. This time, the girl voiced aloud her puzzlement at how the brunette had ended up in bed with Alexandros. The question caused a surprised Audrey to succumb to a quick coughing fit, which thankfully subsided after a few short seconds. What was she supposed to say? She cleared her throat a few times before speaking up. [color=deeppink]“I’ll plead the Fifth on that one, darling Ava.”[/color] Audrey said matter-of-factly, as if she hadn’t been choking on her drink again just seconds before. She looked into the Mossos girl’s eyes -just as gorgeous as her brother’s- before answering. [color=deeppink]“Whatever answer I give you will only serve to further inflate that [i]enormous[/i] ego your brother so proudly possesses. So I think I’m doing us both a favor by not answering that particular question.”[/color] Of course, this excuse was not the [i]real[/i] reason Audrey refused to diffuse Ava’s curiosity on why she, ‘one of the most dignified -if not just slightly bitchy- girls at school’ chose to intimately involve herself with the girl’s big brother. But, how could Audrey possibly explain the strange spell Alexandros had placed on her from the moment her eyes met his? How could she explain that he had some sort of hold on her, and that from the day she saw him there had been no other guy in her mind? How could she put into words that she had never wanted a guy as badly as she wanted Alexandros, and that finally having him had made all her fantasies a reality? The answer was, she [i]couldn’t[/i]. Not without sounding like some sort of smitten loser (which she clearly wasn’t, right?). So, in order to preserve her integrity and mystery somewhat, Audrey dodged the question and continued to eat her breakfast.