Relgayne Tallon waved to his four fellow commandos, giving them an intricate, albeit simple pattern of handsigns which indicated that Bravo 2 and Bravo 4 should look for the other two squads and bring them closer to their vicinity. Sergeant Tallon had initially ordered the others to fan out and search the brush, but an indicator on his helmet's HUD pinged in green, showing there was an audio anomaly less than a click north of them. [hr] Neil watched the exchange between Drake and Sayeeda with a light look on his face, brow raised. He even snorted when Drake was struck. Not because he enjoyed the pain of others, but he almost saw him being struck mid -entence was a sort of punchline, or a comedic scene in a film on the planetary broadcast screen. "She's not a bitch." Neil said as if the comment was absurd. Though within moments he spoke again. "Well... guess that's not entirely true. She could be. But not like, too big of one. More lik- she- she's the right amount of bitch to be effective in..." His eyes met Sayeeda's and he nodded and zipped his lips. He was about to comment on the weather when a twig snap over the rise due south drew all of their attentions. It took a mere second before lasblasts began flying around them, punching into the dirt and charring the soil instantly with super-heated beams. Neil wasn't about to pop out of their cover just yet, so instead he unpinned one of the few fragmentation grenades he had, cooked it for a second, and then tossed it over. "We should go." Neil deadpanned. "Follow me," Drake told them while scrambling to his feet, dirt kicking up in the air during his haste. He had the energy of man needing to live. Must have some kind of girl waiting for him somewhere, Neil thought. Or he just wasn't used to life and death situations. As if on cue, the grenade went off and a short cry was heard from behind the rise in the dirt and passed two of the strange, alien trees. It took them a relatively short amount of time (though it seemed hours) to make it to Drake's destination, which was a hatch buried in the side of a fern and vine covered cavern wall, towering trees abound around the immediate vicinity. The vines were so thickly intertwined together that when Drake shifted them to reveal the door, it was as if he was bending reality. "The anomalies have always led to right here." He announced to them, sweat beading off his forehead and his look showing he regretted the circumstances that led to him sharing this moment with two mercs working for his father. [@Penny]