[center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/303645471333810177/321534524594847747/58a05e5162bfff3328cfcc7df52fcaca.png[/img][/center] [@13org](FYR), [@GoddessOfNature] Magnus was prepared for a beast, or some kind of monstrous abomination, but wind? Nah, he wasn't prepped for that, and let out the most pathetic tiny warrior's squeal as the puppets fell down around them, going pale and shivering as he wondered what kind of forest sprite they offended. And then...a girl came out and laughed at them. Like, a lot. Like, the funniest joke in the universe was written on their foreheads and they couldn't see it. Magnus' body relaxed as the girl asked how her game was...which from the way Freyr was tarred and feathered and Magnus had gotten spooked like, 10 times just coming INTO the woods, he'd have to say: [color=FF5353][b]"Not fun at all!"[/b][/color] [color=FF5353][b]"I-It was...all a lie?"[/b][/color] Magnus asked, removing his helmet and looking at the girl with a look of absolute shame, his back hunched a bit as he tried to hide the fact that he was a big idiot. Dejectedly, he put his axe back onto his back once more and sighed deeply, scratching the back of his head. [color=FF5353][b]"...We took this job because...well, it sounded like someone needed help bad. I-I'd rather go and save someone who really needs it than to swim in gold from something not as important if I can help it..."[/b][/color] Magnus said, poking his left and right index fingers together as he tried his best to not give the girl a big old lecture about how this kind of thing was bad. He didn't really have the words or confidence for it anyways.[color=FF5353] [b]"I'm sorry Miss, but...calling people out here like this isn't good. If you need a r-real wolf beast beaten up, we can do that but...we could have helped someone who needed it."[/b][/color] was all his weak heart could muster to say, before he bowed his head to her respectfully. [color=FF5353][b]"Have a good day."[/b][/color] he said in parting, heading to follow Freyr before he got too far ahead. Maybe they'd be able to find a stream for him to wash up at...that tar-like stuff looked sticky. Even if they didn't get paid, Magnus did feel like the real treasure was friendship. Because, he's a dork like that. And hey, if he hadn't gone, he'd never have worked up the nerve to talk to Freyr at all. Guy kinda had scary eyes. Clearing his throat, Magnus said: [color=FF5353][b]"E-Even if it was a wild goose chase...thanks for letting me come along Freyr."[/b][/color] as he cracked the tiniest of smiles. Looking back to see the girl, Magnus wondered...what exactly was she doing out here all alone. Stopping for a moment, he called out to her with: [color=FF5353][b]"You should head home soon! The real mean beasts come out after dark..."[/b][/color]