You can almost guarantee that [i]all[/i] communications, in and out, were monitored and reviewed as well, [@mdk]. There is great question to how discriminatory they would be about it, which is to say likely not at all, as we already know well that the opposition was exercising their sitting power and authority to [url=]browse Donald Trump's campaign[/url]. There's a few other interesting components to it as well, to include that in some cases they might not have had not the proper authorization to continue their taps apparently, but we will see in time. There is nothing more classy than spying on political opponents because of "Russia". What only further stokes these flames are the amount of [url=]lies[/url] that abound too. On another and wholly unrelated note, a child being a "financial burden" is an understatement. If one is having children, they sign away their right to that argument by being an adult and accepting fault or problem for their decisions. What I mean in this is, whether one likes it or not, they have to accept the responsibility of their actions; the child did not spontaneously materialize from the ether. The parents of the child chose, either by their inaction to prevent having a child in the first place, or by having a child until this information was revealed, thus negating any place to complain. If they did not want to deal with the consequences, they shouldn't have undertaken or risked it in the first place - the subsequent offspring shouldn't be the ones to pay their price for incompetent parents when dealing with the subject of life and death. Additionally "non-medical" reasons are very much that slippery slope, worse than any arbitrary medical reasons as is. At that point you could invent any explanation you deem fit that is "too difficult" and thus making it fitting to abort the child. Almost an exact parallel line of logic that leads to the hypothetical argument of post-birth "abortion".