[@The Harbinger of Ferocity] So if a child is going to be born with lets say: [quote=@Penny] According to the article the Netherlands alreay has such a list: [i]the neonate’s suffering must be unbearable or the fetus must be suffering or be likely to suffer after birth; there must not be a prospect of improvement, and in the case of a late-term abortion, the fetal disorder must be so serious that medical experts believe that medical treatment after birth would be futile; the parents must have been fully informed of the diagnosis and prognosis, and both the physician and the parents must be convinced that no reasonable alternative exists given the situation of the child or the fetus; at least one other, independent physician must have examined the child or fetus and given a written opinion on compliance with the due criteria of the kind listed above; and the termination of life or of the pregnancy must be carried out with all due care. (Euthanasia and Newborn Infants, Government of the Netherlands website (last visited Jan. 13, 2015); 2007 Directions, 2.3(a & c-e) & 4.6.2 (a-b & d-f).)[/i] [/quote] Termination cant even be considered? Sounds super moral to me, that dammed mother should have known before she got knocked up that her baby would have a neural tube defect or what have you.