[@LeamonZest89] Well by conflicting I mostly mean would be similar. Like I had a copy quirk I worked on before that involves copying multiple quirks and combining them, but that would slightly class with astral since they also have a copy type quirk (though an opposite copy kind). right now I'm thinking of using a tech related quirk [hider=Mech-Human][url=http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Machine-Human_Physiology]Mecha-Human[/url] - Zero's quirk turns his body into a fusion of organic and machine down to the cellular level. It gives him many machine like abilities along with his regular human traits. allowing to dive into the digital world from any access point, download data straight to his brain, remote access and control machines, and He can also upgrade his body in various ways thanks to his own body being mechanical. Thanks to his body he can substitute sleep, and food with power, and he requires less oxygen but still needs some to survive.[/hider] (copied from the CS I've been working on) but it might be to much, reading 8 pages of rp thats not 3 paragraphs per post shouldn't take to long (famous last words lol). quick recaps are always appreciated since it just speeds up time somewhat.