So basically being of childbearing age means accepting responsibility in the case of being raped? I mean you were walking around with a womb, what did you expect?! I'd much prefer women have control over their own bodies, much like people have control over their own cars in all these weird driving analogies. As for the post birth abortion bit, it does make me a little uncomfortable and I'd much rather discover the problem early and terminate. Lets use anencephaly as an example. If you detect it (and frequently we do) its almost negligent to allow the mother to give birth. It is her decision of course but I would strongly counsel termination. I suppose you might make an argument that its organs might be useful (not you but someone) but I wouldn't risk a patients life on it. Pregnancy can be a mistake, if its early enough I don't have an ethical problem correcting it. The patient doesn't lose rights or autonomy in my mind just because she gets impregnated. She dosen't need to be 'made to live with it' when there is an easy safe and ethical solution to hand.