"You need to learn how to explain your powers clearly," Bruce said, looking at her, but his expression soften just a little bit, "but you did fine." He replied, turning to the bat computer. "You guys can go, don't get into any trouble. Lay low for a day or two." He paused, looking down at his son. "Aren't you supposed to be at school right now?" Damian shrugged, shaking his head. "What's the point?" He asked before leaving. Bruce frowned before turning to his big screen and began typing things. "Dick, Lacy, you two stay." He ordered. Tim looked back at Dick, who looked at him. Dick gave him a little 'go on', gesture before turning back to his mentor. Tim's heart sunk a little at bruce's request, but understood why. Damian walked passed Tim, glancing at him. The young boy's green eyes looked over Tim, from head to toe. "Did you eat lunch yet?" Tim shook his head, wondering why Damian cared. "Come on, let's go out with Alfred somewhere." He strongly suggested, almost ordering as he began walking once again. Tim looked back at Z briefly before following Damian.