[@PharaohAtem] I'm just waiting on one character now. So tomorrow at the latest. For now... Fis Kalix, Ahim, Dixon and Dixoz Room 223 Prince Kuro and Rose Room Room 234 Miarikia and Gael Room 331 Lilly and Momo Ikeda Room 220 Red and Gilliam Zorn Room 332 Shade and Alex Room 222 Princess Seninia and Nelos Oakleaf 330 Yoshihiro and Ruby Kiyiya Room 118 Kong and Wukong Room 123 Drumdawn and Dawn Evelyn Memoli Room 219 Sky and Kat Room 122 Rika and Vixen Room 120 Shela and Leval Lamrue Room 329 Prince Ali Sekhemi and Lilith Room 218 Dante and Cyber Room 224 Sabrina and Pozuzy Room 334 Finn O'Connell and Allegro Vivace room 340 Grace and Esperanza Rosalind Adella Ciervo room 341 Angela and Winter Room 121 Ryu Room 343 Rooms and room mates may change before the IC starts, if so I'll update you all. [@knifeman][@EchoicChamber][@semicolon][@AllHollowsEve][@DragonKingUk][@PharaohAtem]