[@TheLittleBell] I also reviewed the character sheet. I didn't find any nits to pick, it looks good. Furthermore, I find the concept of a dryad-like dragon to be an interesting one. On another note, [@BlondyMcHuggles], regarding your suggestion that the Infernum be renamed Annwyn, I had an idea. What if, the Infernum remains the home of the Shaituns, demons and the damned, but Annwyn is the Realm of Lost Souls? That is, where souls go when they've been "destroyed" and/or harvested of their power. Gods who are truly slain, mortals whose souls have been devoured (most often because they've sold it to a demon or something similar) and so on. I briefly considered having it be the home of the Flame, but we'd need [@Luftwaffles] to agree and I don't really think it fits what how I imagined Annwyn. I don't have much time to explain right now, but let's just say Annwyn would also be called "The Weeping Realm" and "The Land of the Lost". Do note that this is just a suggestion. Let me know what you think.