[u][b]0800 hours, March 13th.[/b][/u] [hr] Thomas sat back in his chair, a hand on his chin. It had been a strange couple of days to be certain, he'd gone from a high-ranking but mostly inconsequential NSA agent to someone on call with the president. The world was changing, and clearly she was hoping to stay on top of the curve. He was currently waiting for a call from the Secretary of Homeland Security, if all went well, he'd be on a new assignment, keeping an eye on those "meta-humans" as the government was calling them. He understood the worry, he'd seen the pictures of the caped girl fighting the guy in the Nazi memorabilia, they had power comparable to a truck with a jet-engine. He never was one for fairy tales, but they seemed a good enough comparison to the world these days. His computer finally showed signs of life, receiving the call he'd been waiting for all night. He pulled it open to be met with the stern face of the fine lady secretary. He offered a salute to her and then sat back down. "Mrs. Secretary." "Agent Sebastion." Her voice had a weight to it that was incomparable, every syllable had the sort of stern boldness that characterized the woman. The woman clasped her fingers and leaned gently into the table. "You may want to head to the bathroom before we begin speaking; we're going to be here a long time." Thomas smirked. "I've been told I have an iron bladder." The Secretary didn't seem amused by his joke. "Well, you'd better hope so," she said, almost threateningly. "I know so," he responded with a nod. She frowned. "Are we done fucking around, Agent Sebastion." His hair stood on end. "Er, yes, sorry. I'm all ears." She gave what could be called a smirk if you squinted a little. "Good. So on to the topic at hand," she looked down at something below the view of the webcam. "I'm sure you've heard of the recent meta-human explosion?" Thomas nodded. "Good, so I'm sure you know about Hurricane Stanley." "The one that the meta-human stopped?" She nodded in response "The very same. This woman has power greater than any weapon we possess. She stopped an earthquake by moving the entire fucking Indian subcontinent! Do you know how fucked we are if she turns on us?" she asked, growing more and more firm in her tone as she spoke. "Yes Mrs. Secretary." "And she's not the only one, there's a fucking Nazi out there who can toss cars like a child throws toys. He just escaped from Germany's highest-security prison and apparently blew the whole thing into a crater," she informed intensely. "So you're going to have to ask yourself one question, Agent Sebastion; what do we do to defend ourselves from this massive gun held to our head?" Thomas had no response. "The answer, is we make our own gun." "What are you suggesting, Mrs. Secretary?" "I'm suggesting a program, a weapon against these meta-humans. I've gotten presidential assent but I need a leader for this program." She pointed at him through the screen. "The director suggested you, and if you wish for it, you will be the Director of CADMUS, our anti meta-human wing." Thomas' eyes shot open and he scratched the back of his neck. "Er, yes... Mrs. Secretary, I'd be honored." "I'm glad, Director Sebastion. Now, a little paperwork and it'll be official, but for now we may as well discuss your duties," she said, producing a pair of glasses and looking over a clipboarded piece of paper. "It's just brainstorming currently, but CADMUS' first duty will be to find a company with the capital to create a human weapon." "Er... a company, Mrs. Secretary?" "Yes, we need plausible deniability, outsourcing and hiding our involvement will help in that. Other than that, you'll need to provide the secrecy necessary for a clandestine operation of such a large scale, and you'll provide some of the minds necessary. It'll mostly be a desk job, think you can handle that?" "I was born for a desk job." "Good, we're still pounding out the details, but I'll call when we have a design ready, in the meantime, fill out the papers I send you and start looking around, I hear there's a lot of people in Metropolis, if you're feeling ballsy maybe look in Gotham as well, but by all means, stay out of Hub City, we have enough dead agents from the attack three months ago. I'll keep in touch." And with that, she ended the call. Thomas rubbed a hand over his forehead, he was glad he wasn't white, or he'd be fifty shades of red by now. So he was the head of a clandestine gov't superhuman operation... how fun.