Connor took in everything his friends were saying. Though it simply seemed too simple to him, maybe there really was not an Architect there, watching in secret. None the less, better safe than sorry. Whether it be due to logical thought or mere paranoia, Connor was sure to make it known just how capable he was. Besides, it seemed that he had already riled Edward up, and it would be rude not to at least put his money where his mouth was. “[color=FC052A]If you think you can get close enough,[/color]” Connor bantered, starting his march toward the food stands with a mischievous smirk on his face. It was strange though, Connor was actually seeming to enjoy the company of his newfound companions. It had been quite some time since he truly socialized, most of his encounters with others always being more of a performance than true socializing. With all his time devoted to his studies, and so many others with information and resources that he did not have. It was because of this motive that he never really took the time to make acquaintances. Then again, in place of true friendship Connor did gain the kind of social skills and manipulation that any politician would envy. Connor smiled as he looked around, the sight of citizens smiling and enjoying the festivities, it was not something one could take lightly. Even on a normal given day, even with a king as cheerful as theirs, there was always that looming feeling; that feeling that it all had an expiration date. But today was not like that, it was almost… carefree. Maybe it was because of the scenery, but even Connor’s nerves seemed to be eased. At least a little bit. Although it should be noted that it was at the same moment that Connor spotted a dessert stand that was displaying some one of his favorite pastries, a crepe of sorts decorated with a white cream and strawberries. Connor was quick to make his way to the stand, and almost childish grin on his face. The salesman had tried to treat the group to free treats of their choosing, but Connor insisted on paying the generous man, though the offer was tempting. “[color=FC052A]This is actually pretty amazing,[/color]” Connor thought aloud in between each joyous bite from his pastry. “[color=FC052A]I have to admit, I had never been to an Ascension festival before, though now I am starting to question why. What about you guys?[/color]” It should be noted that Connor had a tempted to do some research of the others who had been chosen for Ascension after he had found out that he himself had been chosen as well. Researching Edward did not turn out to be too difficult, that being said though he still really did not know much about him other his family’s status. He was even more in the dark about Selti, and he was to be traveling with these new found companions he was going to need to know just who those companions really were.