[hider=Dawn Memoli][b]Name:[/b] Dawn Evelyn Memoli. She’s had other names in the past but “Dawn” has been her favorite. [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Age:[/b] Roughly around 3000 or so years old. [b]Species:[/b] Kitsune [b]Room Number:[/b] TBA [b]Roommate:[/b] TBA [b]Alignment:[/b] True Neutral [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]http://fotos.fotoflexer.com/65c0e40afedaf5449300c2b9d75047b6.jpg[/img] Standing at 4’9” and slight of frame, Dawn is hardly the most physically imposing figure out there. Her face is soft and wan, with ash grey, dark-ringed eyes and the sort of ghastly pale skin that might make one believe she’s anemic or sick. Her hair is thick, black, and grown all the way to her hips, which she often keeps braided back for convenience’s sake. Dawn usually wears wide-brimmed hats to hide her ears, and to keep some of the sun off her rather sensitive skin. Tends to wear simplistic, practical outfits, such as cardigans and skirts, or, in colder weather, slacks and a sweater. It wouldn’t be out of the question to assume Dawn’s a particularly fresh-faced secretary, or on her way to a funeral. Or both at once. [img]https://i.pinimg.com/236x/16/6f/46/166f46ec34bd8072a144f715c56eb1b5--fennec-fox-fox-tattoos.jpg[/img] In her fox form, Dawn takes the shape of a small silver fox, bearing nine tails behind it. Most of these tails, however, are hidden behind a veil of illusions, both in this form and her humanoid. [b]Personality:[/b] By nature, Dawn is a gentle soul, soft-spoken and polite towards friends and strangers alike. She attempts to be respectful towards most by default- until they merit otherwise, that is- and, around close friends, will often break out of her usual somber personality and act much more openly lively. In addition, while usually composed and naturally serious, she will often become flustered if taken aback or embarrassed. She tends to have a rather dry sense of humor for the most part, and becomes frigid to the point of holding long-lasting grudges when genuinely angered. While Dawn has a strong code of ethics, she also relies strongly on logic when possible. When an unfamiliar situation arises, she will often do her best to wrap her head about it, asking questions or simply watching to gain information. [b]Bio:[/b] While still young among the kitsune population, Dawn’s life has been a lengthy one. She lived when Rome still thrived, then lived to see the fall of its child, Byzantine. She’s watched the birth of nations, and the wars fought by them shortly after. She herself was born to a small, fairly unremarkable clan of kitsune, who found their life in the gradually rising soul of Europe. Her family was a loving one, although, not long into her childhood, her brother had left. Humanity called to him like a siren with its charms, and he had no interest in living like a wild animal. Eventually, Dawn herself followed, struck by the same fascination that stolen her brother. She’s remained in varying levels of touch with her parents, and still meets with her older brother, although she chose to live on her own as soon as the option became viable. Dawn posed as a human for centuries, although, with age, she has gradually grown jaded and somewhat cynical. In the modern era, where she has recently reached the age of maturity of a kitsune, she often acts as a private investigator. This service largely extends to humans, but, due to her supernatural nature, it’s not out of the ordinary for her to receive clients of a more mystical nature. One such customer spoke of an academy above the clouds, asking her to investigate it and satisfy their suspicions. Dawn’s own curiosity was quickly peaked, and she chose to accept the request. Concealing her tails beneath illusions, Dawn signed herself up for enrollment as a student. [b]Power:[/b] [i]Persuasion:[/i] Dawn possesses the ability to influence the state of a person’s influence, or convince a target to do or forget certain things. These things are little more than suggestions- capable of being shaken off if the person is aware and refuses to let themselves be influenced- and cannot perform feats such as making a greatly depressed person feel blissfully joyful in the snap of one’s fingers. Regardless, however, Dawn’s power is highly convincing, and highly compelling. Possesses the natural abilities of a kitsune, including telepathy, telekinesis, and illusions. [b]Family:[/b] Father: Darrien Memoli Mother: Rita Memoli Brother: Allen Memolli [b]Friends:[/b] None at the moment [b]Sentimental Attachment:[/b] Justice. Through all the years, Dawn’s never given up on the idea that justice is something to be strived towards. [b]Other:[/b] - Enjoys watching cheesy crime shows, and reading gushy, hamfisted romance novels in her spare time.[/hider] I made another character cause why not. :D