Cs Name: Pozuzy Gender: Male Age: 450 Species: Sin Demon Room Number: 334 Rooming With: Sabrina Alignment: Neutral Evil Appearance: [IMG]http://i63.tinypic.com/eulh7s.jpg[/IMG] Personality: For being a sin demon, Pozuzy isn't exactly evil. He loves to trick and scare others as much as he can. He will purposely anger others just because he finds it fun to. Pozuzy will make prank after prank. Jokes and pranks is all he talks about and what he finds enjoyment in most. He doesn't care about killing others, however sometimes his pranks can go a little too far and it can easily lead to that. Bio: Pozuzy is a sin demon, he loves to cause chaos, although his version of chaos areis more or less harmless practical jokes. Many times before however his practical jokes have become dangerous. Being a demon, he has killed innocents before and like any demon he feels no remorse for them. Power 1: Darkness Manipulation Power 2: Illusion Magic Family: Friends: Sentimental Attachment: Weapon: Other: