[@Ithradine] Elodie inwardly grimaced, "[color=lightsteelblue] I do not envy you.[/color]" She offered the man a small smile before continuing, "[color=lightsteelblue]Hopefully you won't be too busy to enjoy yourself.[/color]" Elodie's icy blue orbs studied Illuminos for a moment. "[color=lightsteelblue]--And perhaps.. if you aren't too busy with your [I]doting [/I] subjects', we can catch up later.[/color]" She added in nonchalantly, it would be nice to catch up with him after all. Of course they had never been what she'd call 'close'. In fact, Elodie had been discouraged, by relatives', from befriending him due to her low ranking and her 'reputation'. Elodie never understood why most high ranking nobles seemed to distain her so much. She looked over to see Feron had wandered away. Hopefully he wouldn't get into too much trouble. Elodie let out sigh before turning back to Prince Illuminos. Her thoughts wandered around to her duties ahead with her being one of the chosen. Those chosen would make the journey to a city, a name of which they knew nothing of. Elodie knew all about the horrors of the Lich King, her parents had told them to her in the way of a lesson. Don't go out at night alone, or never venture far from home. Joining the battle against the Lich King would be dangerous, but she would be protecting her family. Religion being the one thing that held the kingdoms together had always intrigued her to learn more about their cultures. While most citizens' are to some degree devout, she didn't praise any of the deities. She was without religion, but that didn't make her a bad person... right? Her parents were more or less 'religious', they even participated in the Holidays' surrounding their religion. While Elodie knew that something must have made their world; whether naturally or by one god, didn't matter. At Voy, while many prayed to their gods, she would spend casting spells. Elodie snapped out of her thoughts before focusing back on Illuminos.