[Center][h2][color=teal]Mora Kinsley[/color][/h2] [I]Trost[/i] [@Jinxer] [@FrostedCaramel] -----[/center] [i]I come back and its all gone to hell,[/i] she sighed as she arched through the skyline. The world around her trembled with the heavy foot falls of bumbling titans; while the air hissed with the sound of cadets whizzing past on their gear. From the corner of her eye she could see the steam billow off of freshly wet blades, titans dropping to their knees as the cadets wore them down. It was a glorious sight to behold. And Mora’s fingers twitched to pull her own blades from their sheaths, but there was a different task set before her. Her feet slammed into the rooftop, shaking the panels as she barreled across the slanted top. There was no time to hesitate. Mora leapt from one rooftop to another, her trained eyes pinpointed on the dark headed figure that plummeted through the air. She’d only have one shot at this. Miss, and the girl would die. Hit awkwardly, and risk getting them both injured which would probably also lead to their deaths. [i]Come on. Come on.[/i] She let out a burst of gas, sending her sprawling off the side. Mora let her body drop through the air like a stone before sending her hooks straight into the side of a clock tower. She swung, hard, as she pulled her limbs in close to pick up speed. [I]One shot.[/i] Gas hissed in the air as the hooks snapped, reeling back in as Mora felt herself slice through the sky. Lauren was in her path; limbs whipping in the air as she spun. There was no avoiding it, the slight pain as her body collided with the woman’s and the faint 'oomf' that escaped her lips. They started to drop. She arched back, glaring as the cobbled road rushed up as if to greet them. With one arm fastened around Lauren's limp body Mora shot off her hooks, jerking them up and to the left. It was sloppy—she knew it. Mora could feel her gear tighten under the pressure and her body protest the sudden change in direction but that was the least of her concern. The titan rumbled the earth behind her and she sent out a small prayer that the rest could handle it in her wake. Her eyes frantically scanning the bleary rush of buildings around her; she just needed to find the right one. [I]There![/i] her mind cheered, as she sent her hooks out once more, releasing more gas as they soared. Mora bent her legs slightly as she knocked the heavy soles of her heels together. Glass splintered beneath her force, sending little crystal shards dancing in the air as they rolled into the darkened room. A sharp click echoed as her hooks returned to their chamber and Mora scrambled off of the woman’s body. [Color=teal]"Lauren?”[/color] her voice was shrill as she pulled her close. [Color=teal]"Law, you have to wake up. You need to wake up now. We’re not safe here.”[/color]She gave the woman a little shake, fingers trembling as searched for a pulse. Adrenaline snapped beneath her skin, as the realization hit her fresh. Lauren had been spinning, madly, in the air. Sent flying by a titan but it didn’t dawn on her, not until she had a moment of calm, that Lauren might have been already passed help. She bit back a tremble of panic as she felt the thrum of Lauren’s heartbeat beneath her fingertips. She was alive. At least for now. [B] “Ra?”[/b] [I]Oh thank the heavens![/i] She pulled Lauren up into a tight embrace. [Color=teal]“You’re okay!”[/color] [B]“You’re . . . hurting me,”[/b] Lauren whispered into Mora’s shoulder. [Color=teal]"Oh!”[/color] Mora released her, wiping brimming tears away with the back of her hand. She marveled down at Lauren's face, her heart aching as she realized just how painful their time apart truly was. [Color=teal]"We need to go,”[/color] Mora whispered as she pulled her gaze away from Lauren, her face flush. Without waiting for Lauren to respond she pulled her close once again. [Color=teal]“Come on, hold onto me. I’ll get you back to the medics.”[/color] She felt Lauren’s arms wrap around her as she stood, lifting them both up. [B]“What about Emil? There’s an abnormal out there.”[/b] Mora shook her head in disbelief, even with her own life at stake Lauren was still more concerned with the lives of others. How typical. [Color=teal]"I'll come back for them. Right now I need to get you to a safe place. Just hold on.”[/color] They teetered on the edge of the broken window as Mora scanned their surroundings. It didn’t look like any of the titans had followed her but she didn’t want to take that chance. With a flick of her fingers she sent her hooks soaring and the duo shot back out of the building. [I]If I hurry I can make it back before anyone else gets hurt,[/i] she lied to herself.