[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/WMeBojy.png?1[/img] [i]Meruem Kiryu[/i][/center] [indent]The news had hit him hard, the realization that it could have been anyone in that classroom, even harder. His gut went from corkscrewing to crashing. A blaze had ignited but it was accented by the black cloud that billowed from it, smothering the rage with a heavy depression. [color=orange][i]Second day of class and U.A. already has its first victim.[/i][/color] He dove into his bookbag, pulled out his journal, and scratched a deep line in the name: [s][b]Engine-Boy???[/b][/s] His fist balled so tightly on his desk that his nails drew blood. A darkness lurked in his usual bright eyes, a depth of terror and mystery. He stood up from his desk without a word, grabbed the tech-savvy suit case with his costume in it and sat back down. He opened it and emotion flooded him. The costume he had envisioned was there. All brave and heroic, a symbol, or future symbol at least, of what he believe safety was. What a father's protective embrace would be in material form. He reached inside, pulled it out, and pulled it close to his face. Not a tear had swelled in his eyes, not tremble of his lips had occurred. And still, a powerful emotion was pulsating from him. That moment had reinstated his reasons for becoming a hero. A peer had been killed but if he had been an active hero, it [b][i]wouldn't[/i][/b] had happened. Carefully he folded it back up and closed it. He leaned back, hands stuff deep in his pockets, and struggled to find the enthusiasm he held so close before.[/indent]