"Looking for trouble." Rekin said soon smiling when he found exactly what he was looking for. There were 5 criminals and someone in the middle being attacked. "P-Please I just want to get by!" A man said lying on the floor "Oh yeah? Well so do we, take everything he's got!" one of the thugs said and all the others followed. "No, don't!" the man shouted. "Shut up!" the main thug said as he swung a rusty pipe at the poor man, but it stopped before it could hit. "Hey now friends, why don't we just take it easy for a second?" Rekin asked before throwing the pipe to the side and getting into a fighting stance. "Wait where did you-?" The thug asked looking around "Rush him!" he shouted angrily before running over to his pipe, all of the others rushed Rekin at one time. "Wait, I'm getting ahead of myself!" Rekin remembered before jumping over the group to where Kiro was "Alright, time to start!" Rekin said before getting behind Kiro "Show me what you did in your previous fight and we'll go from there." Rekin said before pushing Kiro towards the confused and angered thugs.