Also, two more announcements to everyone. First, I may, if chance permit, do a post for the Happyverse tomorrow or Thursday. Victoire and Farris are really only going to do something this Saturday. Second, after analyzing the current state of the RP for sometime, we have decided that no one in the Machina side will be gaining any more cross-faction powers/power ups for the time being. They are already too imbalanced as is, Just look at how many holy/demonic sources of power they have in their faction, so anything new coming to their side much be Machina related (ie: weak to Demons). We can, at our own discretion, verify cross-faction powers/power-ups on a case by case basis and decide if they are legal or not but, as a guideline, the answer is more likely to be no. This is valid to the other factions in a smaller degree as well. Cross-faction abilities and characters are going to be far more scrutinized from now on, to avoid the situation we are in at the moment, with the Machina faction.