Kiro fell onto his hands and knees after being pushed by his master, as he nervously looked up at the intimidating group of thugs. "Sensei,' Kiro nervously looked back at his master, "is this really a good idea? If I die, Asuka will never forgive you, you know!" Tears streamed down from his eyes, as he whined. "Are you friends with the old man, kid?" The leader questioned Kiro, his eyes resembling those of a demon's, as he stared down at the boy. His buddies all chuckled in the background, as they played around with their knives and pipes. "After that old man embarrassed me in front of my crew, you know that I can't allow allow either of you two to live..." He chuckled. Kiro was frozen in place once he spotted the knives. He could die! This was serious! "Now hold on a minute, you guys, this is all just one big misunder-!" Before Kiro could finish his sentence, the leader swung his pipe downward, towards Kiro's face. Kiro envisioned one of Bakusa's lighting-quick fists speeding down towards him, as he, almost on instinct, rolled out of the way, just in time. The pipe made a loud clanking sound as it hit the ground. The man was confused by this sound, as it wasn't the sound he was expecting. He angrily lifted up his head, only to realize that Kiro had evaded his attack! "I'll kill you, you brat!" The man exclaimed, as he charged towards Kiro, pipe in hand, ready to swing. [img][/img] Kiro stood up, and quickly got into the Tenchi Jouge stance that Shin had previously taught him. It was a highly offensive stance; Kiro was planning on attacking his opponent before the opponent could swing. His legs shook, as remembered the terrible feeling of being hit by those weapons from before. If he didn't time this perfectly, he'd be leaving himself wide open for the opponent to rip him to shreds! Kiro let out a short battle cry, as he attempted to hit the attacker with a powerful open palm to the chest. Kiro was so focused on the one opponent, he didn't notice another thug approaching from his left side until it was too late! He was already half-way into his attack. His eyes drifted over to his left, as he saw the shiny knife glimmer in the thug's hands. '[i]He's going to cut me![/i]' Kiro thought, as he tried to move out of the way, while also delivering his attack. Both the attack and the dodge suffered, as Kiro only pushed the head thug back a few feet, and he still managed to get cut on his side. Kiro stumbled sideways a bit, as he held his side in pain. '[i]Darn it! I saw it coming, but I couldn't react quick enough![/i]' He thought angrily.