[img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/357732550854049792/372896146747817984/Untitled46.png[/img] Nickname: Mar Race: Faunus (White Tiger, tail and ears) Gender: Male Age: 41 Height: 5'11" Weight: 180lbs [hider=Appearance:][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/6b1cd0d2-e90d-462f-8ce6-c533d4213e40.png[/img]][/hider] [hider=Symbol][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/362181845896396812/376276137040543755/Untitled50_20171104004453.png[/img][/hider] Aura Color: Blue Semblance: Withdrawl-absorbs target's aura Semblance Limitations: Target has to be touched and user of aura Weapon: Marlin is an expert in martial arts and a powerful practioner of aura. Able to use his aura to amplify his physical capabilities. Favored Dust Element: Marlin keeps a small pouch with many tiny crystals of various dust to power his aura. Personality: Bio: Marlin grew up in Vaccuo, his parents lost to the Grimm at a very young age to which he doesn't remember them very well if not at all. A man had taken him under his care, teaching the boy everything he knew. From the science of dust, to the practice of aura control, to a long lost form of martial arts. Marlin studied and practice hard. He had nothing else in life but what he was taught. The city of Vaccuo wasn't exactly pleasant for a Faunus. A late night walk home and Marlin's guardian was lost to a small pack of Beowolf. He chased them down finding out where their cave was, taking that information to Shade Academy. Their response was not what Marlin wanted, they refused to help, saying the removal of a small pack did not compared to their other missions. This caused him to build a deep hatred for any Hunter or Huntress, they were meant to help people, slay Grimm, and his case was [i]too small[/i]. That day he vowed to train harder every day to push his skills and limits to those above any hunter. And so he did, he trained himself and practiced under journals left by his fallen guardian. Years upon years went by and eventually he was ready. Before he was an adult he felt confident to take on the pack of beowolf that killed his mentor. As expected the back still wasn't dealt with and it was much larger than before, if brought to the attention of Shade they may step in but he was going to deal with them himself. With martial arts and aura control at his side, he demolished not only the pack but the cave from which they resided in. From that day on, always underestimating his skills, he continues to fight grimm for personal gain, or the occasional help.