[img]https://s26.postimg.org/bss8cgkq1/promo_ships_01b.png[/img] Faction Name: Asari Republics Faction Leader/Government: Direct Democracy Probably more accurately called an Electronic Democracy, Asari Republics came late to the idea of world government and to an extent doesn’t have an immense centralized Government. Instead the home world of Thessia has many large city states like polities that have grown closer and closer over millennia. Now they act as a massive confederacy with a legislature that anyone can participate in. Through internet chatrooms policy debate takes place not by politicians but by any Asari citizen. Advanced Virtual Intelligences monitor these. While this form of direct democracy seems too chaotic millennia often guide it old Asari called Matriarchs. Most Asari follow their views making them extremely influential in terms of shaping policy. Brief Description of Technology: Mass Accelerators Laser Point Defense and Infantry weaponry Kinetic Barriers Anti-Matter Fuel Nuclear Fusion Advanced Material Sciences Mass and Gravity manipulation Cybernetics Types of beings that exist in your faction (All humans, mixed alien etc): Asari, but the Asari Republics treat other races known as the Volus and Elcor as vassal allies. Philosophy/Goals Etc: Explore the unknown and meet new interesting alien species. Also protect Asari Republics and its allies from any hostile acts. Brief History: The Asari Republics are essentially a massive confederacy formed from dozens of smaller polities from all over their homeworld of Thessia. While there were wars usually Asari could settle their differences through peaceful means. This is due to their generally communal nature and tendency to come together. After they left their world the Asari found an alien outpost in their solar system suggesting an ancient race not only monitored them but perhaps interfered in their evolution. Through studying this technology, they made advances in space travel developing ftl. They also discovered Mass Relays which are massive stations capable of sling shotting ships from one end of a spiral arm to another almost instantly. However, these massive constructs are rare and were only replicated by the Asari on a small scale to create ftl communication. As the Asari expanded they discovered species like the Volus and Elcor which became close allies who eventually relied on the Asari for security. However, soon they discovered another species called the Foreth. A mammalian humanoid species who practiced slavery and weren’t afraid of raiding other species for slaves. Eventually both Asari and the Foreth went to war for several decades only for the Asari to force a peace treaty. Even with this treaty there were still brief skirmishes and only several more decades of terrorist attacks and sabotage on both sides eventually saw an end to the violence and true peace emerged. Now, the Asari are looking outward towards the Galactic Center. Unknown aliens harassed several frontier worlds. Reconnaissance ships tracked them to the Galactic Center. The Asari, unwilling to let this stand is sending a small fleet to establish a base in the Galactic Center and learn about the new territory. If possible, they will negotiate with the enemy, but if they fail then lethal force will be allowed. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Ralla V’ Naari Title/Rank (if you have one): Admiral Gender: Monogendered (Most humanoid species assume female) Species: Asari Description: [img]https://pre00.deviantart.net/7019/th/pre/f/2011/135/9/7/bal__falan_hasati_by_metal_dragon_kiryu-d3ged4i.jpg[/img] Unique traits/Personality: Ralla can be considered by some as the least ideal Patriot they have seen. A bit of a backhanded compliment that in some ways ring true. Ralla loves the Asari Republics, but often criticizes it culture and even government. She believes the Asari are too stagnant and even Matriarchs essentially rule its direct democracy. Even so, she’ll defend it with her life. It’s likely she was one of the most determined and potentially clever commandoes in her unit. As a commando Ralla used her focus and skill to battle an enemy ten times her forces number, and as a counter intelligence specialist she was clever and knowledgeable enough to prevent many terrorist attacks. Even as a commander of warships there are few officers who can make efficient use of formations like she can. Equipment: Acolyte pistol, Asari Admiral Uniform and Hardsuit with Kinetic Barriers Brief Bio: One of the youngest Admirals in the history of the Asari Republics, Ralla V Naari has grown from just an average but capable commando to the leader of a military expedition. Born in the city of Armali to two Asari scientists Ralla’s future was well planned. Go to a university, get involved in a scientific field, conduct research and potentially even be well known in her field. While she had the aptitude for study there was more pressing concerns for her. The war between the Asari and Foreth ignited a spark within her. She joined the military and trained for just under two decades as a commando. The war was over before she could be sent to the front lines, but she won accolades in her defense of an Asari colony under attack by Foreth pirates and slavers. She even worked in military counter intelligence to fight a shadow war that eventually brought the two polities to the peace table once more preventing further terrorist attacks. She served for over 60 years even commanding ships in brief naval skirmishes. Eventually a military council formed from Matriarchs gave her the rank of Admiral for a mission that could define her place in history. Ralla is to command a fleet of 50 ships and go to the Galactic Center. The mission is to establish a permanent base, recon, contact other empires and prevent further alien incursions in their space. The now young Admiral was against this move due to her inexperience in commanding a fleet and the riskiness, but their decision was final in the end. Now, she’s enroute with her fleet to the Galactic Center wondering if this will be her last mission.