[h2][center][color=007236]Gabriel Moreau - Wall Rose: Trost District[/color][/center][/h2] [center][@Poi][/center] [hr] [center][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TQUsnto_3pw[/youtube][/center] [hr] The flames of battle raged on in the city of Trost as the Stationary Guard and Cadets fought off the inevitable horde of Titans. Gabriel, though not quite as fast as Tanner, was an incredibly strong young man. Even though his skill at teamwork was rather lacking, he was able to see the move that Tanner had taken to distract the Titan long enough for him to get a clean hit. Of course, the situation changed dramatically when she was forced to evade the Titan's own counter atack. Gripping the blades tightly, Gabriel pushed his fingers down onto the device, the gas accelerating him quickly through the air. Forcing his way through a small black cloud from a recently made fire, Gabriel found himself facing a Titan for the first time. His fear gripped him like he did to the handles of the Three-Dimensional Maneuver Gear, but he had to be strong. That was the only way to survive and lead his team to victory. Of course, it was no small task to just wave off the horrifying sight of such an grotesque monster. Legends circulated like wildfire on the brutality of the Titans. Of course, most of it was true, since Gabriel witnessed first-hand how cruel the cold the Titans were when it came to their never-ending hunger and need to annihilate human life wherever they found it. The fear was gone the second the Titan turned to face Gabriel. Taking it's place was the heart of a warrior, ready to face his long-awaited foe for the last and final time. With precision and great strength, Gabriel cut deeply into the Titan's neck as a spray of blood exploded from it's body, leaving a large form of steam to slowly grow above it's not decaying body. Looking back at Tanner, who had nearly been squashed, Gabriel felt a small tinge of worry strike his heart. He couldn't worry about her now, though. She was ranked the #1 Top Cadet of their class. She would be fine. He had to worry about the civilians. Making another move with his gear, Gabriel found the next engagement far easier on his own, albeit a bit more complex. A titan, which made it's way over to a small group of civilians trapped in an alley, was nearing it's next victim until Gabriel arrived. Finding the space too close for comfort, Gabriel managed to squeeze through the alleyway with his gear, flying towards the Titan head on while it was distracted. As it look up at the oncoming threat, it's sight was blinded by the shine of metal, until it went black. Blinded, the Titan reared back in pain and cried out loudly, it's hands reaching for it's face in order to ease the pain. Unfortunately, it had no way to protect itself from Gabriel's offense, and was cut down easily by the young man. He took a deep breath as he looked down to the civilians and called down to them to move. [color=007236]"Make your way to Wall Rose immediately and evacuate! We'll hold the rest of them off for you! Go, now!"[/color] The civilians ran without a single protest to the orders given to them. Better to live as a refugee than as food for the Titans. Standing on the roof quietly, Gabriel took an extremely short break to catch his breath. Wiping a small bit of the previous Titan's blood off of his cheek, Gabriel tried to analyze the situation his team was currently in. With Titan's incoming and the main defense of the hole slowly deteriorating, their job would certainly only get harder. [i][color=007236]Perhaps[/color][/i], he thought, [i][color=007236]it would be better to recollect at a nearby location and find a way to get the civilian's out in a more timely ma- where the hell is Jakob!?[/color][/i] Where was he indeed? Of course he was nowhere to be found. Gabriel suddenly felt a quick pain in his forehead from the stress of the situation. If Jakob was fulfilling his duty, how would their team survive? There was no way they could all do it on their own. Sure, two kills was impressive for an amateur, let alone one, but with the amount of Titans coming in at the rate they were, neither he or the squad would last long! [color=007236]"That damn idiot..."[/color] Gabriel muttered under his breath as he moved to find him, assisting any lost civilians that he could in an attempt to guiding them in the right direction in the least likely Titan filled areas that he could see from above. Of course, Jakob was unable to be spotted, and Gabriel found himself calling out to Mary. [color=007236]"Where is Jakob? He isn't at or anywhere near his po-"[/color] His words were cut short by the cries of a young boy. Gabriel turning his attention swiftly, caught sight of a young boy dragging his lifeless mother's body down a street. Upon closer inspecting, it was clear that the lady was dead; the lower half of her body was missing as the boy hopelessly cried out for her to wake up and move. Gabriel could feel himself shaking. For the first time, he was breaking...in front of one of his subordinates no less. Pushing past Mary as quickly as he could, Gabriel charged forth to help the child. Of course, it was never really that simple. At the corner of his eye, Gabriel spotted the offender of the heinous act. A Titan, lanky and large, no more than twenty meters, was making it's way towards the child. At first, Gabriel thought nothing much of it. It would be an easy enough kill, he thought...until it began running. Alarmed, Gabriel squeezed down on the handles of his gear to increase his speed. It was all in vain however, as he noticed the Abnormal Titan would reach the child first. Thinking quickly, Gabriel pulled out a small flare gun, an emergency tool that was handed to him in the chance that an Abnormal Titan was spotted in his area, and fired it towards the Titan's face, hoping to not only grab it's attention, but to alert his team and the nearby ones of the danger. The distraction worked well enough as the Titan turned to face him. The boy, now fully behind cover, waited for the area to be clear before he continued down the street. Although the Abnormal Titan was quick, Gabriel was smart enough to move out of the way, and cut the beasts eyes just like he did with the last. The desired effect was the same; the creature was rendered immobile due to the inability to see and the intense pain that it felt. Good! Now was his chance to strike! Turning around towards the Abnormal Titan once more, Gabriel throttled the gear to it's maximum speed as he raced towards it's nape. There could be no mercy for this thing! Now was the time to strike! The child must be safe! It had to be safe! This well placed blow wi- [b][i]WHAM![/i][/b] The sound of bone snapping and being completely destroyed rang out in Gabriel's ears. As he fell from the sky, the noises all around seemed to stop, his ears ringing from the intense sound that he had heard. The sky was blue...beautiful, yet terrifying. Was this the last thing that he would see? Not his lover, but the sky that he had seen every day? That same, boring blue sky? No...there was something else entering his vision now. A leg. His leg. The sight left him as he crashed down into a nearby building. The black flare that had gone up remained in the air for all to see, until it slowly descended, and the Abnormal Titan slowly recovered it's sight. What seemed like hours was mere minutes, as Gabriel's vision slowly got harder and harder to keep open. The area, now swarming with Titans, was beginning to get dangerous. Several had now passed the very same Abnormal Titan that Gabriel engaged, overrunning the area slowly, but surely. The Abnormal Titan, finally having recovered it's sight, cornered the small boy from earlier....and began to feast a street across from Gabriel's supposed corpse.